Google Cloud datalab 查询 BIgQuery 表时出错

Google Cloud datalab error querying BIgQuery tables


正在从 Google 云数据实验室查询分区 table 的 BigQuery 日期。大多数其他查询都按预期获取数据,不确定为什么在这个特定的 table、select 中不起作用,但是 count(1) 查询有效。

select * from Mydataset.sample_sales_yearly_part limit 10


KeyErrorTraceback (most recent call last) /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/IPython/core/formatters.pyc in
__call__(self, obj)
    305                 pass
    306             else:
--> 307                 return printer(obj)
    308             # Finally look for special method names
    309             method = get_real_method(obj, self.print_method)

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/datalab/bigquery/commands/_bigquery.pyc in _repr_html_query_results_table(results)
    999     1000 def _repr_html_query_results_table(results):
-> 1001   return _table_viewer(results)    1002     1003 

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/datalab/bigquery/commands/_bigquery.pyc in _table_viewer(table, rows_per_page, fields)
    969     meta_time = ''
--> 971   data, total_count = datalab.utils.commands.get_data(table, fields, first_row=0, count=rows_per_page)
    973   if total_count < 0:

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/datalab/utils/commands/_utils.pyc in get_data(source, fields, env, first_row, count, schema)
    226     return _get_data_from_table(source.results(), fields, first_row, count, schema)
    227   elif isinstance(source, datalab.bigquery.Table):
--> 228     return _get_data_from_table(source, fields, first_row, count, schema)
    229   else:
    230     raise Exception("Cannot chart %s; unsupported object type" % source)

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/datalab/utils/commands/_utils.pyc in _get_data_from_table(source, fields, first_row, count, schema)
    174   gen = source.range(first_row, count) if count >= 0 else source
    175   rows = [{'c': [{'v': row[c]} if c in row else {} for c in fields]} for row in gen]
--> 176   return {'cols': _get_cols(fields, schema), 'rows': rows}, source.length

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/datalab/utils/commands/_utils.pyc in _get_cols(fields, schema)
    108     if schema:
    109       f = schema[col]
--> 110       cols.append({'id':, 'label':, 'type': typemap[f.data_type]})
    111     else:
    112       # This will only happen if we had no rows to infer a schema from, so the type

KeyError: u'DATE'

QueryResultsTable job_Ckq91E5HuI8GAMPteXKeHYWMwMo

您可能遇到了刚刚在 中修复的问题(但尚未包含在 Datalab 版本中)。

背景是 BigQuery 中新的 "Standard SQL" 支持添加了可以显示在结果架构中的新数据类型,而 Datalab 尚未更新以处理这些类型。

Datalab 的下一个版本应该会解决此问题,但与此同时,您可以通过将日期字段包装在显式转换为 TIMESTAMP 中作为查询的一部分来解决此问题。


%%sql SELECT COUNT(*) as count, d FROM <mytable>

(其中 'd' 是类型 'DATE' 的字段),那么您可以通过将该字段转换为 TIMESTAMP 来解决此问题,如下所示:

%%sql SELECT COUNT(*) as count, TIMESTAMP(d) FROM <mytable>
