我如何查看跨越多个项目的 gitlab 问题板

how can i view a gitlab issue board that spans multiple projects


我很长一段时间以来一直是 github/zenhub 的宗教用户。我们最近将我们的 repos 移到了 gitlab,原因有很多,包括免费管道、安全性、更灵活的组等。


Zenhub is a greasemonkey app that's added to github, one of its features is the scrumboard that's similar to gitlab's native issue board. One of the amazing things about zenhub scrumboard 是它允许你在同一个板上放置许多回购协议(我记得 jira 有同样的东西)。


有没有办法在 gitlab 上做到这一点?

除了像 kanban.leanlabs.io 这样的第三方,最近的 GitLab 版本确实集成了更复杂的问题管理。

参见“Announcing The GitLab Issue Board " (presented here)
但它可能仅限于当前的 repo。

请注意,对于 GitLab 13.6(2020 年 11 月),这不再局限于存储库:

Group-level management of project integrations

In GitLab 13.3, we added the ability to enable an integration across an entire instance. With GitLab 13.6, that feature is being expanded to allow integrations to be managed at the group level as well!

Group owners can now add an integration to a group, and that integration will be inherited by all projects under that group. This has the potential for saving massive amounts of time, as many organizations have specific integrations that they want rolled out to every project they create.

A great example of this is using our Jira integration. If you’re using Jira, it’s almost always across the whole company. Some of these companies have thousands of projects and therefore had to configure each and every one of those integrations individually.

With group-level management of project integrations, you can add the integration at each parent group, reducing the amount of configuration required by orders of magnitude!

Read more in our announcement on the GitLab blog.

See Documentation and Epic.

在 GitLab issues and merge requests within a group 中显示问题的集合,并合并它们下面所有项目的请求。

他们还有一个 Issue Board available, which aggregates the issues from the projects within the given group. This is currently not reflected in the documentation, and could be well worth a Pull Request in doc/user/group/index.md and doc/user/project/issue_board.md


我过去确实用过github/zenhub。 https://gitboard.co 是 gitlab 的 zenhub 替代品。它在一个跨多个项目的简单仪表板中显示了您的所有问题和合并请求。