折叠 Maybe (Monoid) 的 Foldable,忽略 Haskell 中的缺失值

Fold a Foldable of Maybe (Monoid) ignoring the missing values in Haskell

我正在处理一些具有缺失值的数据,这些数据简单地表示为可能值的列表。我想执行各种 aggregates/statistical 操作,这些操作只是忽略缺失值。


Idiomatic way to sum a list of Maybe Int in haskell

How to use the maybe monoid and combine values with a custom operation, easily?

但是,如果缺少任何值,前一个问题满足于返回 Nothing,这在我的情况下不是一个选项。我有一个解决方案,涉及为 Maybe 创建一个 Num 实例。然而,这意味着它是特定于加法和乘法的,它也有一些其他问题。

instance Num a => Num (Maybe a) where
  negate      = fmap negate
  (+)         = liftA2 (+)
  (*)         = liftA2 (*)
  fromInteger = pure . fromInteger
  abs         = fmap abs
  signum      = fmap signum


maybeCombineW :: (a -> a -> a) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
maybeCombineW f (Just x)  (Just y)  = Just (f x y)
maybeCombineW _ (Just x)  Nothing   = Just x
maybeCombineW _ Nothing   (Just y)  = Just y
maybeCombineW _ Nothing   Nothing   = Nothing

maybeCombineS :: (a -> a -> a) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
maybeCombineS f (Just x)  (Just y)  = Just (f x y)
maybeCombineS _ _          _        = Nothing

class (Num a) => Num' a where
  (+?) :: a -> a -> a
  (*?) :: a -> a -> a
  (+!) :: a -> a -> a
  (*!) :: a -> a -> a
  (+?) = (+)
  (*?) = (*)
  (+!) = (+)
  (*!) = (*)

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE  #-} (Num a) => Num' a
instance {-# OVERLAPPING  #-} (Num' a) => Num' (Maybe a) where
  (+?) = maybeCombineW (+?)
  (*?) = maybeCombineW (*?)
  (+!) = maybeCombineS (+!)
  (*!) = maybeCombineS (*!)

sum' :: (Num' b, Foldable t) => t b -> b
sum' = foldr (+?) 0

sum'' :: (Num' b, Foldable t) => t b -> b
sum'' = foldr (+!) 0

我喜欢这个的地方:它给了我两个功能,一个宽松的 sum' 和一个严格的 sum'',我可以根据需要从中选择。我可以使用相同的函数对任何 Num 个实例求和,因此我可以在没有 Maybe 的情况下对列表重复使用相同的代码,而无需先转换它们。

我不喜欢这个:实例重叠。此外,对于加法和乘法以外的任何操作,我必须指定一个新类型 class 并创建新实例。

因此,我想知道是否有可能以某种方式获得一个不错的通用解决方案,也许按照第二个问题中建议的思路,将 Nothing 视为任何操作的 mempty有问题。



inout i o = ((fmap o) . getOption) . foldMap (Option . (fmap i))
sum' = Sum `inout` getSum
min' = Min `inout` getMin
-- etc.

有一个 Monoid 的实例完全正确:

instance Monoid a => Monoid (Maybe a) where
  mempty = Nothing
  Nothing `mappend` m = m
  m `mappend` Nothing = m
  Just m1 `mappend` Just m2 = Just (m1 `mappend` m2)

它在 Data.Monoid.


foldMap (liftA Sum) [Just 1, Nothing, Just 2, Nothing, Just 3] = 
   fold [Just (Sum 1), Nothing, Just (Sum 2), Nothing, Just (Sum 3)] = 
      Just (Sum 6)

对于严格的左折叠版本,可以使用 foldl' mappend mempty 代替 fold,使用 foldl' (mappend . f) mempty 代替 foldMap f。在 Maybe 幺半群中,memptyNothing.

如何仅使用 Data.Maybe 中的 catMaybes 来丢弃所有 Nothing 值?然后,您可以 运行 对纯值列表进行任何聚合和计算。