使用 pandas 从 wunderground 抓取天气数据

Using pandas to scrape weather data from wundergound

我在 Shane Lynn 上发现了一组非常有用的脚本 Analysis of Weather data。第一个脚本,用于从 Weather Underground 中抓取数据,如下所示:

import requests
import pandas as pd
from dateutil import parser, rrule
from datetime import datetime, time, date
import time

def getRainfallData(station, day, month, year):
    Function to return a data frame of minute-level weather data for a single Wunderground PWS station.

        station (string): Station code from the Wunderground website
        day (int): Day of month for which data is requested
        month (int): Month for which data is requested
        year (int): Year for which data is requested

        Pandas Dataframe with weather data for specified station and date.
    url = "http://www.wunderground.com/weatherstation/WXDailyHistory.asp?ID={station}&day={day}&month={month}&year={year}&graphspan=day&format=1"
    full_url = url.format(station=station, day=day, month=month, year=year)
    # Request data from wunderground data
    response = requests.get(full_url, headers={'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36'})
    data = response.text
    # remove the excess <br> from the text data
    data = data.replace('<br>', '')
    # Convert to pandas dataframe (fails if issues with weather station)
        dataframe = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data), index_col=False)
        dataframe['station'] = station
    except Exception as e:
        print("Issue with date: {}-{}-{} for station {}".format(day,month,year, station))
        return None
    return dataframe

# Generate a list of all of the dates we want data for
start_date = "2016-08-01"
end_date = "2016-08-31"
start = parser.parse(start_date)
end = parser.parse(end_date)
dates = list(rrule.rrule(rrule.DAILY, dtstart=start, until=end))

# Create a list of stations here to download data for
stations = ["ILONDON28"]
# Set a backoff time in seconds if a request fails
backoff_time = 10
data = {}

# Gather data for each station in turn and save to CSV.
for station in stations:
    print("Working on {}".format(station))
    data[station] = []
    for date in dates:
        # Print period status update messages
        if date.day % 10 == 0:
            print("Working on date: {} for station {}".format(date, station))
        done = False
        while done == False:
                weather_data = getRainfallData(station, date.day, date.month, date.year)
                done = True
            except ConnectionError as e:
                # May get rate limited by Wunderground.com, backoff if so.
                print("Got connection error on {}".format(date))
                print("Will retry in {} seconds".format(backoff_time))
        # Add each processed date to the overall data
    # Finally combine all of the individual days and output to CSV for analysis.


Working on ILONDONL28
Issue with date: 1-8-2016 for station ILONDONL28
Issue with date: 2-8-2016 for station ILONDONL28
Issue with date: 3-8-2016 for station ILONDONL28
Issue with date: 4-8-2016 for station ILONDONL28
Issue with date: 5-8-2016 for station ILONDONL28
Issue with date: 6-8-2016 for station ILONDONL28



您得到的输出是因为出现异常。如果您添加了 print e,您会发现这是因为脚本顶部缺少 import io。其次,你给的站名少了一个字。尝试以下操作:

import io
import requests
import pandas as pd
from dateutil import parser, rrule
from datetime import datetime, time, date
import time

def getRainfallData(station, day, month, year):
    Function to return a data frame of minute-level weather data for a single Wunderground PWS station.

        station (string): Station code from the Wunderground website
        day (int): Day of month for which data is requested
        month (int): Month for which data is requested
        year (int): Year for which data is requested

        Pandas Dataframe with weather data for specified station and date.

    url = "http://www.wunderground.com/weatherstation/WXDailyHistory.asp?ID={station}&day={day}&month={month}&year={year}&graphspan=day&format=1"
    full_url = url.format(station=station, day=day, month=month, year=year)

    # Request data from wunderground data
    response = requests.get(full_url)
    data = response.text
    # remove the excess <br> from the text data
    data = data.replace('<br>', '')

    # Convert to pandas dataframe (fails if issues with weather station)
        dataframe = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data), index_col=False)
        dataframe['station'] = station
    except Exception as e:
        print("Issue with date: {}-{}-{} for station {}".format(day,month,year, station))
        return None

    return dataframe

# Generate a list of all of the dates we want data for
start_date = "2016-08-01"
end_date = "2016-08-31"
start = parser.parse(start_date)
end = parser.parse(end_date)
dates = list(rrule.rrule(rrule.DAILY, dtstart=start, until=end))

# Create a list of stations here to download data for
stations = ["ILONDONL28"]
# Set a backoff time in seconds if a request fails
backoff_time = 10
data = {}

# Gather data for each station in turn and save to CSV.
for station in stations:
    print("Working on {}".format(station))
    data[station] = []
    for date in dates:
        # Print period status update messages
        if date.day % 10 == 0:
            print("Working on date: {} for station {}".format(date, station))
        done = False
        while done == False:
                weather_data = getRainfallData(station, date.day, date.month, date.year)
                done = True
            except ConnectionError as e:
                # May get rate limited by Wunderground.com, backoff if so.
                print("Got connection error on {}".format(date))
                print("Will retry in {} seconds".format(backoff_time))
        # Add each processed date to the overall data
    # Finally combine all of the individual days and output to CSV for analysis.

为您提供一个 CSV 输出文件,开头如下:

0,2016-08-01 00:05:00,17.8,11.6,1017.5,ESE,120,0.0,0.0,67,0.0,,,0.0,WeatherCatV2.31B93,2016-07-31 23:05:00,ILONDONL28
1,2016-08-01 00:20:00,17.7,11.0,1017.5,SE,141,0.0,0.0,65,0.0,,,0.0,WeatherCatV2.31B93,2016-07-31 23:20:00,ILONDONL28
2,2016-08-01 00:35:00,17.5,10.8,1017.5,South,174,0.0,0.0,65,0.0,,,0.0,WeatherCatV2.31B93,2016-07-31 23:35:00,ILONDONL28

如果您没有获得 CSV 文件,我建议您添加输出文件名的完整路径。