将固定宽度的 txt 文件转换为 CSV / set-content 或 out-file -append?

Convert fixed width txt file to CSV / set-content or out-file -append?

输入文件是固定宽度的txt文件。我的客户通常在 Excel 中打开它并手动指定分栏符。我希望用逗号替换某些空格,以便我可以解析为 CSV 并保存为 XLS 或其他格式。

$columBreaks = 20, 35, 50, 80, 100, 111, 131, 158, 161, 167, 183
[array]::Reverse($columBreaks) #too lazy to re-write array after finding out I need to iterate in reverse

$files = get-childitem ./ |where-object {$_.Name -like "FileFormat*.txt"}

foreach($file in $files)
    $name = $file.Name.split(".")
    $csvFile = $name[0]+".csv"
    if (!(get-childitem ./ |where-object {$_.Name -like $csvFile})) #check whether file has been processed
        $text = (gc $file) 
        foreach ($line in $text)
           foreach ($pos in $columBreaks)
                #$line.Substring($char-1,3).replace(" ", ",")
                $line = $line.Insert($pos,",")
                #out-file -append?

那么将这些内容写出来最有效的方法是什么?我曾希望使用 set-content,但我认为这是不可能的,因为我们正在逐行处理,所以我认为我要么必须为 set-content 构建一个行数组,要么使用写出 -为每次迭代追加。有没有更有效的方法来做到这一点?

Set-Content 通过一些小的调整应该可以正常工作。这是它应该如何工作的示例(这是外部 foreach 循环中的所有内容):

$csvFile = $file.BaseName
    if (!(get-childitem ./ |where-object {$_.Name -like $csvFile})) #check whether file has been processed
        (gc $file | foreach {
            }) | set-content $csvFile #note parenthesis around everything that gets piped to set-content

顺便说一下,您可以使用 $file.BaseName 获取不带扩展名的文件名,而不是在“.”上拆分文件名:

$csvFile = $file.BaseName + ".csv"


$filter = "FILE_NAME_*.txt" 

$columns = 11,22,32,42,54 

# DO NOT NEED TO REVERSE [array]::Reverse($columns) #too lazy to re-write array after finding out I need to iterate in reverse

$files = get-childitem ./ |where-object {$_.Name -like $filter}
$newDelimiter = '|'

foreach($file in $files)

    $csvFile = 'C:\FOLDERPATH\NEW_' + $file.BaseName + '.txt'
    if (!(get-childitem ./ |where-object {$_.Name -like $csvFile})) #check whether file has been processed

        $content | ForEach {
            $line = $_
            $counter = 0
            $columns | ForEach {
                $line = $line.Insert($_+$counter, $newDelimiter)  
                $counter = $counter + 1
            $line = $line.Trim($newDelimiter)
        } | set-content $csvFile


我认为这经常出现。这是一个实际上过火并将固定宽度文件转换为对象的示例。然后将其导出到 csv 很简单。这也适用于转换遗留命令,如 netstat。

$cols = 0,19,38,59,81,97,120,123 # fake extra column at the end, assumes all rows are that wide, padded with spaces
$colsfile = 'columns.txt'
$csvfile = 'cust.csv'

$firstline = get-content $colsfile | select -first 1
$headers = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $cols.count - 1; $i++) {
  $firstline.substring($cols[$i], $cols[$i+1]-$cols[$i]).trim()

# string Substring(int startIndex, int length)                                                                                         

Get-Content $colsfile | select -skip 1 | ForEach {
  $hash = [ordered]@{}
  for ($i = 0; $i -lt $headers.length; $i++) {
    $value = $_.substring($cols[$i], $cols[$i+1]-$cols[$i]).trim()
    $hash += @{$headers[$i] = $value}
} | export-csv $csvfile