如何在配置文件中配置多个 Consul ACL 角色(没有 HTTP API)?

How to configure multiple Consul ACL roles inside configuration file (without HTTP API)?

在 Consul ACL Internals 文档中,提供了示例配置以在 HashiCorp 配置语言和 JSON 中设置一些默认的 ACL 规则。它看起来像这样:

  "key": {
    "": {
      "policy": "read"
    "foo/": {
      "policy": "write"
    "foo/private": {
      "policy": "deny"
  "service": {
      "": {
          "policy": "write"
      "secure-": {
          "policy": "read"
  "event": {
    "": {
      "policy": "write"
    "destroy-": {
      "policy": "deny"
  "query": {
    "": {
      "policy": "read"
  "keyring": "read",
  "operator": "read"


使用 HTTP API,您可以通过传递 JSON 类似于创建端点的规则来创建角色令牌:

  "Name": "my-app-token",
  "Type": "client",
  "Rules": ""


我该怎么做?我是否只添加名称、类型、角色和 UUID?如果是这样,where/how我会这样做吗?

我通过 Consul Google Groups 页面了解到,根据用户的说法,ACL 目前不能定义为静态配置文件,必须通过 HTTP API:

Currently the ACLs cannot be directly inserted into a configuration file that Consul will read. The API is the primary way of interaction with ACLs.

(截至 2015 年 10 月 10 日)
