为什么在我销毁列表后我的尾巴仍然指向 Something 而不是指向 NULL

Why is my tail still pointing to Something instead of pointing to NULL after I destroy the list

所以我用 c 语言编写了这段代码,它执行基本的双向链表任务,例如创建列表、插入节点 after/before 给定的当前节点、删除给定的当前节点等等,但是我 运行 当我试图破坏列表时进入这个问题。发生的事情是,当我销毁列表时,它会正确地释放所有节点(至少我在调试器手表中看到的是这样认为),但是当我检查头指针和尾指针是否指向 NULL 时,因为节点没有不再存在,头部指向 NULL,但我的尾巴仍然指向某些东西,我不确定它是列表中未正确释放的节点还是其他东西。



void DListDestruct(DList* list) {
DListNode* tempHead = list->head;;

while (tempHead != NULL) {
    tempHead = tempHead->next;
    list->head = tempHead;

if (list->tail == NULL) {
    list->size = 0;


    //Creation of the structs for the list    

typedef struct DListNode_struct {
   char *str;
   int blankIndex;
   int blankLength;
   struct DListNode_struct *next;
   struct DListNode_struct *prev;
} DListNode;

typedef struct DList_struct {
   int size;
   DListNode *head;
   DListNode *tail;
} DList;

/* This creates a new list and initializes the head/tail */

void DListConstruct(DList* list) {

    list->head = NULL;
    list->tail = NULL;
    list->size = 0;


/* inserts newNode after the given currNode */

void DListInsertAfter(DList* list, DListNode* currNode, DListNode* newNode) {

DListNode* sucNode = NULL;

if (list->head == NULL) {
    list->head = newNode;
    list->tail = newNode;
    list->size = list->size++;

else if (currNode == list->tail) {
    list->tail->next = newNode;
    newNode->prev = list->tail;
    list->tail = newNode;
    list->size = list->size++;

else {
    sucNode = currNode->next;
    newNode->next = sucNode;
    newNode->prev = currNode;
    currNode->next = newNode;
    sucNode->prev = newNode;
    list->size = list->size++;

/* inserts newNode before the given currNode */
void DListInsertBefore(DList* list, DListNode* currNode, DListNode* newNode) {
DListNode* predNode;

if (list->head == NULL) {
    list->head = newNode;
    list->tail = newNode;
    list->size = list->size++;

else if (currNode->prev != NULL) {
    predNode = currNode->prev;
    newNode->next = currNode;
    newNode->prev = predNode;
    currNode->prev = newNode;
    predNode->next = newNode;
    list->size = list->size++;

else if (currNode->prev == NULL) {
    newNode->next = currNode;
    currNode->prev = newNode;
    list->head = newNode;
    list->size = list->size++;






综上所述,tail指向最后一个节点的地址,是垃圾。 head 指向最后一个节点的 next,它是 NULL。