
c# loop through all fields of enum assigning values from string array

我正在为 Web 服务构建 Soap Body,有许多可选字段。


wsSoapBody.OrderType = aMessage[(int)cardCreate.OrderType].ToString();
wsSoapBody.ActivateFlag = Convert.ToInt32(aMessage[(int)cardCreate.ActivateFlag].ToString()); //P-02925;

if (aMessage[(int)cardCreate.ShipDate].ToString() != ""){
                wsSoapBody.ShipmentDate = Convert.ToDateTime(aMessage[(int)cardCreate.ShipDate].ToString()); //P-02925;

wsSoapBody.ShipmentMethodCard = aMessage[(int)cardCreate.ShipMethodCard].ToString();
wsSoapBody.ShipmentMethodPin = aMessage[(int)cardCreate.ShipMethodPIN].ToString();


namespace EvryCardManagement
    class CardCreate
        #region Variables

        private DCSSCardCreateType req;
        private DCSSCardCreateResponseType rsp;
        private DCSSCardCreate_V3_0Service stub;

        public string tokenID { get; set; }

        private enum cardCreate
            MsgType = 0,
            MsgVersion = 1,
            WSName = 2,
            ReplyTo = 3,
            SourceSystem = 4,
            Timestamp = 5,
            UniqueMessageID = 6,
            SFDCContext = 7,
            InstitutionID = 8,
            CardNumber = 9,
            Version = 10,
            ProductID = 11,
            AccountNumber = 12,
            CustomerID = 13,
            CustomerNumber = 14,
            EmbossName1 = 15,
            Expiry = 16,
            FeeMonth = 17,
            ChargeAccountNo = 18,
            PINMethod = 19,
            CardFlag = 20,
            AddressTypeCard = 21,
            AddressTypePIN = 22,
            OrderType = 23,
            ActivateFlag = 24,
            ShipDate = 25,
            ShipMethodCard = 26,
            ShipMethodPIN = 27,
            FirstName = 28,
            LastName = 29,
            CardAddress1 = 30,
            CardAddress2 = 31,
            CardAddress3 = 32,
            CardAddress4 = 33,
            CardAddress5 = 34,
            CardAddress6 = 35,
            CardPostCode = 36,
            CardCity = 37,
            CardCountry = 38,
            PINName = 39,
            PINAddress1 = 40,
            PINAddress2 = 41,
            PINAddress3 = 42,
            PINAddress4 = 43,
            PINAddress5 = 44,
            PINAddress6 = 45,
            PINPostCode = 46,
            PINCity = 47,
            PINCountry = 48,
            Validfrom = 49,
            Note = 50,
            MakeCheckStatus = 51,
            EmbossName2 = 52,
            PAmount = 53,
            PAmountLength = 54,
            GKIndicator = 55,
            CreditLimit = 56,
            CardDesignNo = 57,
            ExtPictureID = 58,
            BulkID = 59,
            AccountNo2 = 60

所以,与其像我一直在做的那样一个一个地完成它们,不如循环遍历 wsSoapBody(在网络服务中定义)并为每个,获取来自 aMessage 的相应值(定义为这样的数组 string[] aMessage


我有下面的代码要循环,但我想分配给 wsSoapBody 但我卡住了:

foreach (cardCreate cItem in (cardCreate[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(cardCreate)))

(上述更正是由 Steve Lillis 建议的编辑,但由于冲突而被拒绝)


wsSoapBody[cItem].value = aMessage[(int)CardCreate[cItem]` 


wsSoapBody[cItem] = aMessage[(int)cItem].ToString();


编辑 #2:

我也查看了 GetNames 因为我可能想要这些名字并尝试过:

        foreach (string name in Enum.GetNames(typeof(cardCreate)))

            wsSoapBody[name] = aMessage[(int)name].ToString();

可是我cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'DCSSCardCreateType'



例如,使用 System.ComponentModel Description 属性,我们可以将该信息添加到枚举本身,例如:

public enum cardCreate
  [Description("General Response")]
  MsgType = 0,

  WSName = 2,

  ReplyTo = 3,

  [Description("Windows 10")]
  SourceSystem = 4,


            .Select (ceEnum => new
                            Original   = ceEnum,
                            IndexValue = (int)ceEnum,
                            Text       = ceEnum.GetAttributeDescription()



什么?您需要的不仅仅是字符串描述?然后在 enum 上创建自定义属性,并根据需要将所有 items/types 数据设为 return。为此,请参阅我的博客文章 C# Using Extended Attribute Information on Objects


public static class myextensions
   public static IEnumerable<T> GetEnumValues<T>()
       Type type = typeof( T );

       if (!type.IsEnum)
           throw new Exception( string.Format("{0} is not an enum.", type.FullName ));

       FieldInfo[] fields =
           type.GetFields( BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static );

       foreach (var item in fields)
           yield return (T)item.GetValue( null );

  /// <summary>If an attribute on an enumeration exists, this will return that
   /// information</summary>
   /// <param name="value">The object which has the attribute.</param>
   /// <returns>The description string of the attribute or string.empty</returns>
   public static string GetAttributeDescription( this object value )
       string retVal = string.Empty;
           retVal = value.GetType()
                         .GetField( value.ToString() )
                         .GetCustomAttributes( typeof( DescriptionAttribute ), false )

       catch (NullReferenceException)
           //Occurs when we attempt to get description of an enum value that does not exist
           if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( retVal ))
               retVal = "Unknown";

       return retVal;
