SQL Server 2008R2 和创建 XML 文档
SQL Server 2008R2 and creating XML document
第一个 post 在论坛上,因为我真的被这个问题困住了。
以下查询正确地将有效的 XML 文档分配给 @xTempXML 变量(xml 类型)。注:文档的长度(转换为varchar(max) = 711
select @xTempXML = (
PrescriberFirstName as "row/prescriber/name/first",
PrescriberLastName as "row/prescriber/name/last",
PrescriberAddress1 as "row/prescriber/address/line1",
PrescriberAddress2 as "row/prescriber/address/line2",
PrescriberCity as "row/prescriber/address/city",
PrescriberState as "row/prescriber/address/state",
PrescriberZipCode as "row/prescriber/address/zipcode",
PatientFirstName as "row/patient/name/first",
PatientLastName as "row/patient/name/last",
PatientMiddleName as "row/patient/name/middle",
PatientAddress1 as "row/patient/address/line1",
PatientAddress2 as "row/patient/address/line2",
PatientCity as "row/patient/address/city",
PatientState as "row/patient/address/state",
PatientZipCode as "row/patient/address/zipcode",
PatientFileID as "row/patient/fileid",
PatientSSN as "row/patient/ssn",
PatientDOB as "row/patient/dob",
DrugDescription as "row/medicationprescribed/description",
DrugStrength as "row/medicationprescribed/strength",
DrugDEASchedule as "row/medicationprescribed/deaschedule",
DrugQty as "row/medicationprescribed/qty",
DrugDirections as "row/medicationprescribed/directions",
DrugFormCode as "row/medicationprescribed/form",
DrugDateWritten as "row/medicationprescribed/writtendate",
DrugEffectiveDate as "row/medicationprescribed/effectivedate",
DrugRefillQty as "row/medicationprescribed/refill/qty",
DrugRefillQtyQualifier as "row/medicationprescribed/refill/qualifier",
DrugNote as "row/medicationprescribed/note",
PharmacyStoreName as "row/pharmacy/storename",
PharmacyIdentification as "row/pharmacy/identification",
PharmacyAddress1 as "row/pharmacy/address/line1",
PharmacyAddress2 as "row/pharmacy/address/line2",
PharmacyCity as "row/pharmacy/address/city",
pharmacyState as "row/pharmacy/address/state",
pharmacyZipCode as "row/pharmacy/address/zipcode"
where ArchiveUUID=@ArchiveRefUUID
and CreatedDT between @RptParamStartDT and @RptParamStopDT
and CHARINDEX(',' + PrescriberFID + ',', ',' + @RptParamFID + ',') > 0
FOR XML PATH(''), ROOT('result'), TYPE
declare @sXMLVersion varchar(max) = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'
select len(@sXMLVersion + convert(varchar(max),@xTempXML))
注意:连接字符串的长度 = 749,这是正确的。
set @xFinalXML = convert(xml,(@sXMLVersion + CAST(@xTempXML as varchar(max))))
select LEN(convert(varchar(max),@xFinalXML))
select @xFinalXML
SELECT CONVERT(XML, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>')
根据您的操作(即最终转换为 VARCHAR),没有理由从 XML 数据类型开始。您不妨从 FOR XML
子句中删除 , TYPE
,然后连接 @sXMLVersion + @xTempXML
发生这种情况的原因记录在此处:Limitations of the xml Data Type
The XML declaration PI, for example, <?xml version='1.0'?>, is not preserved when storing XML data in an xml data type instance. This is by design. The XML declaration (<?xml ... ?>) and its attributes (version/encoding/stand-alone) are lost after data is converted to type xml. The XML declaration is treated as a directive to the XML parser. The XML data is stored internally as ucs-2. All other PIs in the XML instance are preserved.
此处记录了如何正确处理从 XML 字段/变量中提取数据:XML Best Practices(在 "Text Encoding" 下)
SQL Server 2005 stores XML data in Unicode (UTF-16). XML data retrieved from the server comes out in UTF-16 encoding. If you want a different encoding, you have to perform the required conversion on the retrieved data. Sometimes, the XML data may be in a different encoding. If it is, you have to use care during data loading. For example:
- If your text XML is in Unicode (UCS-2, UTF-16), you can assign it to an XML column, variable, or parameter without any problems.
- If the encoding is not Unicode and is implicit, because of the source code page, the string code page in the database should be the same as or compatible with the code points that you want to load. If required, use COLLATE. If no such server code page exists, you have to add an explicit XML declaration with the correct encoding.
- To use an explicit encoding, use either the varbinary() type, which has no interaction with code pages, or use a string type of the appropriate code page. Then, assign the data to an XML column, variable, or parameter.
Example: Explicitly Specifying an Encoding
Assume that you have an XML document, vcdoc, stored as varchar(max) that does not have an explicit XML declaration. The following statement adds an XML declaration with the encoding "iso8859-1", concatenates the XML document, casts the result to varbinary(max) so that the byte representation is preserved, and then finally casts it to XML. This enables the XML processor to parse the data according to the specified encoding "iso8859-1" and generate the corresponding UTF-16 representation for string values.
CAST (('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso8859-1"?>'+ vcdoc) AS VARBINARY (MAX))
SQL Server 2008 - Add XML Declaration to XML Output
How to add xml encoding <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> to xml Output in SQL Server
第一个 post 在论坛上,因为我真的被这个问题困住了。
以下查询正确地将有效的 XML 文档分配给 @xTempXML 变量(xml 类型)。注:文档的长度(转换为varchar(max) = 711
select @xTempXML = (
PrescriberFirstName as "row/prescriber/name/first",
PrescriberLastName as "row/prescriber/name/last",
PrescriberAddress1 as "row/prescriber/address/line1",
PrescriberAddress2 as "row/prescriber/address/line2",
PrescriberCity as "row/prescriber/address/city",
PrescriberState as "row/prescriber/address/state",
PrescriberZipCode as "row/prescriber/address/zipcode",
PatientFirstName as "row/patient/name/first",
PatientLastName as "row/patient/name/last",
PatientMiddleName as "row/patient/name/middle",
PatientAddress1 as "row/patient/address/line1",
PatientAddress2 as "row/patient/address/line2",
PatientCity as "row/patient/address/city",
PatientState as "row/patient/address/state",
PatientZipCode as "row/patient/address/zipcode",
PatientFileID as "row/patient/fileid",
PatientSSN as "row/patient/ssn",
PatientDOB as "row/patient/dob",
DrugDescription as "row/medicationprescribed/description",
DrugStrength as "row/medicationprescribed/strength",
DrugDEASchedule as "row/medicationprescribed/deaschedule",
DrugQty as "row/medicationprescribed/qty",
DrugDirections as "row/medicationprescribed/directions",
DrugFormCode as "row/medicationprescribed/form",
DrugDateWritten as "row/medicationprescribed/writtendate",
DrugEffectiveDate as "row/medicationprescribed/effectivedate",
DrugRefillQty as "row/medicationprescribed/refill/qty",
DrugRefillQtyQualifier as "row/medicationprescribed/refill/qualifier",
DrugNote as "row/medicationprescribed/note",
PharmacyStoreName as "row/pharmacy/storename",
PharmacyIdentification as "row/pharmacy/identification",
PharmacyAddress1 as "row/pharmacy/address/line1",
PharmacyAddress2 as "row/pharmacy/address/line2",
PharmacyCity as "row/pharmacy/address/city",
pharmacyState as "row/pharmacy/address/state",
pharmacyZipCode as "row/pharmacy/address/zipcode"
where ArchiveUUID=@ArchiveRefUUID
and CreatedDT between @RptParamStartDT and @RptParamStopDT
and CHARINDEX(',' + PrescriberFID + ',', ',' + @RptParamFID + ',') > 0
FOR XML PATH(''), ROOT('result'), TYPE
declare @sXMLVersion varchar(max) = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'
select len(@sXMLVersion + convert(varchar(max),@xTempXML))
注意:连接字符串的长度 = 749,这是正确的。
set @xFinalXML = convert(xml,(@sXMLVersion + CAST(@xTempXML as varchar(max))))
select LEN(convert(varchar(max),@xFinalXML))
select @xFinalXML
SELECT CONVERT(XML, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>')
根据您的操作(即最终转换为 VARCHAR),没有理由从 XML 数据类型开始。您不妨从 FOR XML
子句中删除 , TYPE
,然后连接 @sXMLVersion + @xTempXML
发生这种情况的原因记录在此处:Limitations of the xml Data Type
The XML declaration PI, for example, <?xml version='1.0'?>, is not preserved when storing XML data in an xml data type instance. This is by design. The XML declaration (<?xml ... ?>) and its attributes (version/encoding/stand-alone) are lost after data is converted to type xml. The XML declaration is treated as a directive to the XML parser. The XML data is stored internally as ucs-2. All other PIs in the XML instance are preserved.
此处记录了如何正确处理从 XML 字段/变量中提取数据:XML Best Practices(在 "Text Encoding" 下)
SQL Server 2005 stores XML data in Unicode (UTF-16). XML data retrieved from the server comes out in UTF-16 encoding. If you want a different encoding, you have to perform the required conversion on the retrieved data. Sometimes, the XML data may be in a different encoding. If it is, you have to use care during data loading. For example:
- If your text XML is in Unicode (UCS-2, UTF-16), you can assign it to an XML column, variable, or parameter without any problems.
- If the encoding is not Unicode and is implicit, because of the source code page, the string code page in the database should be the same as or compatible with the code points that you want to load. If required, use COLLATE. If no such server code page exists, you have to add an explicit XML declaration with the correct encoding.
- To use an explicit encoding, use either the varbinary() type, which has no interaction with code pages, or use a string type of the appropriate code page. Then, assign the data to an XML column, variable, or parameter.
Example: Explicitly Specifying an Encoding
Assume that you have an XML document, vcdoc, stored as varchar(max) that does not have an explicit XML declaration. The following statement adds an XML declaration with the encoding "iso8859-1", concatenates the XML document, casts the result to varbinary(max) so that the byte representation is preserved, and then finally casts it to XML. This enables the XML processor to parse the data according to the specified encoding "iso8859-1" and generate the corresponding UTF-16 representation for string values.SELECT CAST( CAST (('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso8859-1"?>'+ vcdoc) AS VARBINARY (MAX)) AS XML)
SQL Server 2008 - Add XML Declaration to XML Output
How to add xml encoding <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> to xml Output in SQL Server