可以使用带有持续集成工具的 Docker 机器吗?
Possible to use Docker machine with continuous integration tools?
我正在尝试做的事情:使用像 CircleCI 或 GitLab 这样的持续集成工具来部署到 DigitalOcean Droplet。在本地,我可以使用 Docker 机器来 运行 类似
$ eval $(docker-machine env my-droplet)
连接到已创建的 Droplet,然后 docker run foo
是否可以通过传统的 deploy.yml 文件执行此类操作?假设我有一个 digitalocean-access-token
并且已经创建了一个 droplet。
DigitalOcean 建议的集成更多是与 Docker Cloud,这意味着您的 CI 应该将您的图像推送到 Docker Cloud,以便 DigitalOcean 在 Droplet 中使用。
参见“Deploy Horizon Using Docker Cloud & DigitalOcean" from Chris Asche
log into Docker Cloud and link your DigitalOcean account. To do this, click on 'Cloud Settings' at the bottom left. You should now see a list of Cloud Providers on the page. Click on the plug icon next to DigitalOcean to link your accounts. Note that, at the time of writing, there is a credit added to your DigitalOcean account when linked with Docker Cloud.
Once your accounts are linked, create a new DigitalOcean Node Cluster. I'm going to call mine, horizon-with-docker
in the region Toronto 1
The newly created node cluster can be used to run a stack. A stack is a collection of services and each service is a collection of containers. Stacks are created with the stack-yaml
Once created, revisit the node cluster created earlier to grab the IP address of your DigitalOcean droplet - my droplet IP is Go ahead and visit your freshly deployed Horizon application at the IP address.
docker-machine create \
--driver generic \
--generic-ip-address=<your vm IP> \
--generic-ssh-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa \
$ eval $(docker-machine env my-droplet)
这将注册机器。否则,您必须将开发环境中的所有证书和配置提供给您的 CI,这是不安全和推荐的。
我正在尝试做的事情:使用像 CircleCI 或 GitLab 这样的持续集成工具来部署到 DigitalOcean Droplet。在本地,我可以使用 Docker 机器来 运行 类似
的东西$ eval $(docker-machine env my-droplet)
连接到已创建的 Droplet,然后 docker run foo
是否可以通过传统的 deploy.yml 文件执行此类操作?假设我有一个 digitalocean-access-token
并且已经创建了一个 droplet。
DigitalOcean 建议的集成更多是与 Docker Cloud,这意味着您的 CI 应该将您的图像推送到 Docker Cloud,以便 DigitalOcean 在 Droplet 中使用。
参见“Deploy Horizon Using Docker Cloud & DigitalOcean" from Chris Asche
log into Docker Cloud and link your DigitalOcean account. To do this, click on 'Cloud Settings' at the bottom left. You should now see a list of Cloud Providers on the page. Click on the plug icon next to DigitalOcean to link your accounts. Note that, at the time of writing, there is a credit added to your DigitalOcean account when linked with Docker Cloud.
Once your accounts are linked, create a new DigitalOcean Node Cluster. I'm going to call mine,
in the regionToronto 1
The newly created node cluster can be used to run a stack. A stack is a collection of services and each service is a collection of containers. Stacks are created with the
Once created, revisit the node cluster created earlier to grab the IP address of your DigitalOcean droplet - my droplet IP is Go ahead and visit your freshly deployed Horizon application at the IP address.
docker-machine create \
--driver generic \
--generic-ip-address=<your vm IP> \
--generic-ssh-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa \
$ eval $(docker-machine env my-droplet)
这将注册机器。否则,您必须将开发环境中的所有证书和配置提供给您的 CI,这是不安全和推荐的。