Charboost 无法在管理门户中设置活动优先级

Charboost unable to set campaign priorities in admin portal

最近我试图在 Charboost 管理门户中添加和配置活动及其优先级。我创建了静态和视频插页式广告并导航到活动优先级部分,正如预期的那样,静态和视频插页式广告都出现了。但是如果我 select 低到静态和高到视频展示位置,在屏幕重新加载后,两个展示位置优先级自动重置为最高。


但最近我在所有浏览器中都看到了这个错误。 ..

我刚收到 Chartboost 支持人员的回复。他们说他们解决了这个问题。

来自 cb 支持的邮件

Good to hear from you again. Are you still seeing this today? Our engineers had solved a similar problem yesterday (not exactly what you're describing), though I'm wondering if you could've possibly been affected by this. Are you familiar with the chrome console? If so, could you please open up the chrome console and click the network tab? With this open, go ahead and try making the change (make sure to click save), and the network tab will record the calls that are made or attempted to be made. A screenshot of this would be incredibly helpful.

I look forward to hearing from you and getting this resolved. Thanks for the follow-up, and take care.