如何解释 Alloy 个事实

How to interpret an Alloy fact

我正在阅读an article that uses Alloy to model some safety and security requirements for aircraft avionics。我很难理解文章中显示的 "fact constraints" 之一。

数据流入系统。数据由系统消耗。该模型声明了一组Data、一组System和一个consumedBy关系(Data is consumed by System):

sig Data {
   consumedBy: some System

sig System {} 

模型然后声明一组 "criticality values." 关系将关键性映射到数据。另一个关系将关键性映射到系统:

sig Criticality {
   concernedData: one Data, 
   concernedSystem: one System 



all s: System | some consumedBy.s 


   // for any system which consumes a given datum,
   // the said datum and system should belong to
   // a same unique criticality 

我认为评论是这样说的:如果系统消耗数据,那么数据和系统必须具有相同的关键性。例如,如果数据 D1 被系统 S1 使用,并且数据 D1 具有关键性 C1,则系统 S1 也必须具有关键性 C1。您同意评论的这种解释吗?

现在,事实在 Alloy 中是这样表达的:

   all d: Data | all s: System | one c: Criticality | 
      c.concernedData = d and c.concernedSystem = s 


The following constraint holds for exactly one c in Criticality:
    For every d in Data and every s in System:
        c.concernedData = d and c.concernedSystem = s 




   // for any system which consumes a given datum,
   // the said datum and system should belong to
   // a same unique criticality 


   all d: Data | all s: System | one c: Criticality | 
      c.concernedData = d and c.concernedSystem = s


这是一个 Alloy 模型,它将论文的事实版本与我认为捕捉到你想要表达的内容进行比较:

sig Data {consumedBy: some System}
sig Criticality {
   concernedData: one Data, 
   concernedSystem: one System 
sig System {} 

// the paper's statement:
// for any system which consumes a given datum,
// there is one criticality that has that data and system
// as its concernedData and concernedSystem
pred Paper {
  all d: Data | all s: d.consumedBy | one c: Criticality | 
      c.concernedData = d and c.concernedSystem = s

// your interpretation:
//  If a system consumes a datum, then the datum and the system
// must have the same (single) criticality
pred You {
  all d: Data | all s: d.consumedBy | 
     concernedData.d = concernedSystem.s and one concernedSystem.s

check {Paper implies You} for 2




"one" 量词虽然具有非常简单的语义("one x: S | P" 意味着 P 对于集合 S 中的一个 x 为真)可能会造成混淆,因为我们很想阅读量词在自然语言中。在 Software Abstractions 第 3 章的常见问题解答中,有半页讨论了这个示例,第 73 页。