有什么方法可以在非越狱设备上分发未签名的 IOS 应用程序?

Any way to distribute unsigned IOS apps on non-jailbroken devices?

有什么方法可以在不签名的情况下向我们的员工分发内部 IOS 应用程序(非越狱设备)?

Citrix 为其接收器提供移动设备管理软件 - 使用类似的系统是否可以让我们绕过 IOS 应用程序的签名要求? (有开源解决方案吗?)


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TestFlight Beta Testing for External Testers

You can now invite up to 1000 users to test prerelease builds of your app. To do so, go to External Testers in Prerelease for the app that you want to test and add external testers simply by sending an email invitation. The TestFlight app will allow them to install the prerelease build on their iOS device, receive updates, and provide feedback, all within the TestFlight app.