调度 UILocalNotification 导致用户界面滞后和延迟

Scheduling UILocalNotification causing lagging and delay of user interface

我在 Swift 代码中有一个函数 scheduleFutureLocalNotifications(),它创建了 64 个 UILocalNotification 在未来触发。

最初该函数是在 viewDidLoad() 调用的,但这会导致启动应用程序时出现延迟。


最后,当应用在收到 UIApplicationDidEnterBackground 通知后转换到后台时触发该函数,但这会导致 iOS 短暂滞后,因为本地通知是在后台准备的.这在旧设备上显得更加明显。


1 - How can I reduce lag and improve user interface responsiveness creating local notifications?

2 - What better techniques can be employed to schedule the 64 notifications?

3 - What other better times could the function scheduleFutureLocalNotifications() be called?


import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {


    func scheduleFutureLocalNotifications() {

        // Remove all previous local notifications
        let application = UIApplication.sharedApplication()

        // Set new local notifications to fire over the coming 64 days
        for nextLocalNotification in 1...64 {

            // Add calendar day
            let addDayComponent = NSDateComponents()
            addDayComponent.day = nextLocalNotification
            let calendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()
            let nextDate = calendar.dateByAddingComponents(addDayComponent, toDate: NSDate(), options: [])

            // Set day components for next fire date
            let nextLocalNotificationDate = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()
            let components = nextLocalNotificationDate.components([.Year, .Month, .Day], fromDate: nextDate!)
            let year = components.year
            let month = components.month
            let day = components.day

            // Set notification fire date
            let componentsFireDate = NSDateComponents()
            componentsFireDate.year = year
            componentsFireDate.month = month
            componentsFireDate.day = day
            componentsFireDate.hour = 0
            componentsFireDate.minute = 0
            componentsFireDate.second = 5
            let fireDateLocalNotification = calendar.dateFromComponents(componentsFireDate)!

            // Schedule local notification
            let localNotification = UILocalNotification()
            localNotification.fireDate = fireDateLocalNotification
            localNotification.alertBody = ""
            localNotification.alertAction = ""
            localNotification.timeZone = NSTimeZone.defaultTimeZone()
            localNotification.repeatInterval = NSCalendarUnit(rawValue: 0)
            localNotification.applicationIconBadgeNumber = nextLocalNotification


您可以将函数异步分派到另一个队列。这将确保主队列不会阻塞执行调度,并防止 UI 变得无响应:

override func viewDidLoad() {

    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIO‌​RITY_BACKGROUND, 0)) {