如何以编程方式在 RichTextBox 中移动插入符位置?
How can I move the caretposition programatically in a RichTextBox?
我有一个 RichTextBox,其中的特殊文本位具有自定义格式。但是存在一个错误,即插入字符后,插入符号位于新插入字符之前而不是之后。
这是因为对于每次编辑,代码都会重新计算内容以应用自定义格式,然后像这样设置 CaretPosition...
protected override void OnTextChanged(TextChangedEventArgs e)
currentPos = CaretPosition.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
// Apply special formatting on the content
Content = GetContentValue();
if (currentPos != null)
CaretPosition = currentPos;
它目前显示为“1x21”(其中 x 是插入符)。任何帮助将不胜感激
The position and LogicalDirection indicated by a TextPointer object
are immutable. When content is edited or modified, the position
indicated by a TextPointer does not change relative to the surrounding
text; rather the offset of that position from the beginning of content
is adjusted correspondingly to reflect the new relative position in
content. For example, a TextPointer that indicates a position at the
beginning of a given paragraph continues to point to the beginning of
that paragraph even when content is inserted or deleted before or
after the paragraph.
下面的代码在 Button.Click
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
/* text to insert */
string text = "some text";
/* get start pointer */
TextPointer startPtr = Rtb.Document.ContentStart;
/* get current caret position */
int start = startPtr.GetOffsetToPosition(Rtb.CaretPosition);
/* insert text */
/* update caret position */
Rtb.CaretPosition = startPtr.GetPositionAtOffset((start) + text.Length);
/* update focus */
我有一个 RichTextBox,其中的特殊文本位具有自定义格式。但是存在一个错误,即插入字符后,插入符号位于新插入字符之前而不是之后。
这是因为对于每次编辑,代码都会重新计算内容以应用自定义格式,然后像这样设置 CaretPosition...
protected override void OnTextChanged(TextChangedEventArgs e)
currentPos = CaretPosition.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
// Apply special formatting on the content
Content = GetContentValue();
if (currentPos != null)
CaretPosition = currentPos;
它目前显示为“1x21”(其中 x 是插入符)。任何帮助将不胜感激
The position and LogicalDirection indicated by a TextPointer object are immutable. When content is edited or modified, the position indicated by a TextPointer does not change relative to the surrounding text; rather the offset of that position from the beginning of content is adjusted correspondingly to reflect the new relative position in content. For example, a TextPointer that indicates a position at the beginning of a given paragraph continues to point to the beginning of that paragraph even when content is inserted or deleted before or after the paragraph. MSDN
下面的代码在 Button.Click
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
/* text to insert */
string text = "some text";
/* get start pointer */
TextPointer startPtr = Rtb.Document.ContentStart;
/* get current caret position */
int start = startPtr.GetOffsetToPosition(Rtb.CaretPosition);
/* insert text */
/* update caret position */
Rtb.CaretPosition = startPtr.GetPositionAtOffset((start) + text.Length);
/* update focus */