QTreeView/QAbstractItemModel - 删除导致异常

QTreeView/QAbstractItemModel - delete causes exception

我写了一个从 QAbstractModelItem 派生的 class。它用于 QTreeView。遗憾的是,官方文档示例没有显示如何在模型上添加或删除项目。我认为这很容易做到,所以我破解了它。问题是删除所选对象会导致异常。示例:

用户单击 QTreeView 上的一行并希望删除它及其所有子项(如果有)。这是被执行的代码:


// This gets called with the QModelIndex of the currently selected row.
void MyModel::remove(const QModelIndex &index) {
    if (!index.isValid()) 
    MyItem * selectedItem = static_cast<MyItem*>(index.internalPointer());
    beginRemoveRows(index, index.row(), index.row());
    // Call the method on the selected row object that will delete itself and all its children:


// A pointer list with child items.
std::vector<MyItem*> children;


// Deletes all children of this object and itself.
void MyItem::destroy(bool isFirst) {
    if (children.size() > 0) {
        // Each child needs to run this function, to ensure that all nested objects are properly deleted:
        for each (auto child in children)
        // Now that the children have been deleted from heap memory  clear the child pointer list:
    // This boolean determines wether this object is the selected row/highest object in the row hierachy. Remove this object from the parent's pointer list:
    // And lastly delete this instance:
    if(!isFirst) // This will cause a memory leak, but it is necessary
        delete this; // <- because this throws an exception if I run this on the first object.

// Removes a single child reference from this instance's pointer list.
void MyItem::removeChild(MyItem * child)
    auto it = std::find(children.begin(), children.end(), child);

现在,如果我们不介意轻微的内存泄漏,这就可以正常工作了。 ^^

但是,如果我尝试 运行 first/selected 行对象上的删除命令 - 则会发生以下两个异常之一:

  1. 该行有子行: 抛出异常:读取访问冲突。这是 0xDDDDDDDD。
  2. 该行没有子行: 抛出异常:写入访问冲突。 _Parent_proxy 是 0x64F30630。

我保持代码简短但希望它包含我的错误。或者有人知道一个很好的 QTreeView/QAbstractItemModel 示例来说明如何 add/remove 项目吗?

亲切的问候 索拉

我认为 MyModel::remove 方法有错误。 beginRemoveRows 将父索引作为第一个参数,而不是索引本身。你必须用这个替换行:

beginRemoveRows(index.parent(), index.row(), index.row());