如何在 Bundle Transformer 的 Less 编译器中生成源映射?

How to generate sourcemaps in Bundle Transformer's Less compiler?

我正在使用 Bundle Transformer 在我的 .NET Web 项目上将 Less 编译为 CSS,这似乎是一种非常快速和简单的方法。

但是我找不到配置 Less 编译以生成 CSS 源映射的选项。 BundleTransformer 站点上的文档不是很有帮助。

根据 CodePlex BundleTransformer discussion board it is impossible for various reasons, most notably that BundleTransformer is no longer considered a modern client-side build tool and BundleTransformer is recommending you go with Gulp or Grunt - which both have support starting in Visual Studio 2013.3 according to this Scott Hanselman article 上的此线程。我想我会分享,因为我花了很多时间研究和寻找这个。我将选择 Gulp 或 Grunt。