
How to query RethinkDB based on the current time

我正在尝试为 RethinkDB 数据库编写一个 'controller' 程序,该程序使用 RethinkDB 的 changefeed 功能连续转储到 JSON 并删除超过 3 天的数据。

问题是当前时间的查询'hangs',在定义查询时使用datetime.utcnow()(或者,rethinkdb.now())进行评估,剩余此后固定。因此,随着 changefeed 的进行,查询变为 'outdated'.

如何进行连续 'updated' 的查询以反映当前时间?


import json
import rethinkdb as r
import pytz
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# The database and table are assumed to have been previously created
database_name = "sensor_db"
table_name = "sensor_data"
table = r.db(database_name).table(table_name)

port_offset = 1         # To avoid interference of this testing program with the main program, all ports are initialized at an offset of 1 from the default ports using "rethinkdb --port_offset 1" at the command line.
conn = r.connect("localhost", 28015 + port_offset)

current_time = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)   # Current time including timezone (assumed to be UTC)
retention_period = timedelta(days=3)                        # Period of time during which data is retained on the main server
expiry_time = current_time - retention_period               # Age at which data is removed from the main database

if "timestamp" in table.index_list().run(conn):         # Assuming the table has "timestamp" as a secondary index, use "between" (for improved speed)
    beginning_of_time = r.time(1400, 1, 1, 'Z')    # The minimum time of a ReQL time object (the year 1400)
    data_to_archive = table.between(beginning_of_time, expiry_time, index="timestamp")
else:     # Else, use "filter" (requires more memory, but does not require "timestamp" to be a secondary index)
    data_to_archive = table.filter(r.row['timestamp'] < expiry_time)

output_file = "archived_sensor_data.json"
with open(output_file, 'a') as f:
    for change in data_to_archive.changes().run(conn, time_format="raw"):        # The time_format="raw" option is passed to prevent a "RqlTzinfo object is not JSON serializable" error when dumping
        if change['new_val'] is not None:               # If the change is not a deletion
            print change
            json.dump(change['new_val'], f)             # Since the main database we are reading from is append-only, the 'old_val' of the change is always None and we are interested in the 'new_val' only
            f.write("\n")                               # Separate entries by a new line
            ID_to_delete = change['new_val']['id']                # Get the ID of the data to be deleted from the database


我最终通过在 'batch' 模式下进行转储而不是连续使用 changes() 来解决这个问题。 (也就是说,我正在使用 schedule 模块)。


import json
import rethinkdb as r
import pytz
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import schedule
import time
import functools

def generate_archiving_query(retention_period=timedelta(days=3), database_name="ipercron", table_name="sensor_data", conn=None):
    if conn is None:
        conn = r.connect("localhost", 28015)

    table = r.db(database_name).table(table_name)               # RethinkDB cursor for the table of interest
    current_time = r.now()
    expiry_time = current_time - retention_period.total_seconds()

    if "timestamp" in table.index_list().run(conn):         # If the table has "timestamp" as a secondary index, use "between" (for improved speed)
        beginning_of_time = r.time(1400, 1, 1, 'Z')         # The minimum time of a ReQL time object (the year 1400)
        data_to_archive = table.between(beginning_of_time, expiry_time, index="timestamp")
    else:                                                   # Else, use "filter" (requires more memory, but does not require "timestamp" to be a secondary index)
        data_to_archive = table.filter(r.row['timestamp'] < expiry_time)

    # try:
    #     beginning_of_time = r.time(1400, 1, 1, 'Z')         # The minimum time of a ReQL time object (the year 1400)
    #     data_to_archive = table.between(beginning_of_time, expiry_time, index="timestamp")
    # except:
    #     data_to_archive = table.filter(r.row['timestamp'] < expiry_time)

    return data_to_archive

def archiving_job(data_to_archive=None, output_file="archived_sensor_data.json", database_name="ipercron", table_name="sensor_data", conn=None):
    if data_to_archive is None:
        data_to_archive = generate_archiving_query()
    if conn is None:
        conn = r.connect("localhost", 28015)

    table = r.db(database_name).table(table_name)
    old_data = data_to_archive.run(conn, time_format="raw")         # Without time_format="raw" the output does not dump to JSON
    with open(output_file, 'a') as f:
        ids_to_delete = []
        for item in old_data:
            print item
            json.dump(item, f)
            f.write('\n')                                           # Separate each document by a new line
            # table.get(item['id']).delete().run(conn)


if __name__ == "__main__":
    # The database and table are assumed to have been previously created
    database_name = "ipercron"
    table_name = "sensor_data"
    # table = r.db(database_name).table(table_name)

    port_offset = 1         # To avoid interference of this testing program with the main program, all ports are initialized at an offset of 1 from the default ports using "rethinkdb --port_offset 1" at the command line.
    conn = r.connect("localhost", 28015 + port_offset)

    clean_slate = True
    if clean_slate:
        r.db(database_name).table(table_name).delete().run(conn)            # For testing, start with an empty table and add a fixed amount of data
        import rethinkdb_add_data

    data_to_archive = generate_archiving_query(conn=conn, database_name=database_name, table_name=table_name)        # Because r.now() is evaluated upon run(), the query needs only to be generated once
    archiving_job_fixed_query = functools.partial(archiving_job, data_to_archive=data_to_archive, conn=conn)


    while True: