如何在恢复 NuGet 包时删除 [warning]To connect to NuGet feeds
How to remove the [warning]To connect to NuGet feeds when restoring NuGet packages
我在 VSTS 中有一个构建 运行,它正在从 nuget.org 和 VSTS 中的自定义提要恢复 NuGet 包。自定义提要在解决方案 NuGet.config 中作为 <packageSource>
,以及 <packageSourceCredentials>
2016-10-12T16:18:57.6589001Z ##[warning]To connect to NuGet feeds
hosted in your Team Services account/TFS project collection with
NuGet 3.1 or below, edit your build definition to specify a path
to a NuGet.config containing the package sources you wish to use.
根据我的测试,即使使用更高版本的 nugget(例如 3.3)或不从 VSTS 提要恢复包,该警告仍然存在。 (托管构建代理具有相同的结果)。
I see the issue in the code coming from our transition from depending
on assets coming with the agent to being deployed with the task. You
can get around this for now until we get an official change out by
either (1) choosing to use the Nuget 3.5 version radio button in the
task config or (2) supplying a path to your nuget.config.
所以,你可以使用Nuget 3.5版本或者指定nuget.config文件。
我在 VSTS 中有一个构建 运行,它正在从 nuget.org 和 VSTS 中的自定义提要恢复 NuGet 包。自定义提要在解决方案 NuGet.config 中作为 <packageSource>
,以及 <packageSourceCredentials>
2016-10-12T16:18:57.6589001Z ##[warning]To connect to NuGet feeds
hosted in your Team Services account/TFS project collection with
NuGet 3.1 or below, edit your build definition to specify a path
to a NuGet.config containing the package sources you wish to use.
根据我的测试,即使使用更高版本的 nugget(例如 3.3)或不从 VSTS 提要恢复包,该警告仍然存在。 (托管构建代理具有相同的结果)。
I see the issue in the code coming from our transition from depending on assets coming with the agent to being deployed with the task. You can get around this for now until we get an official change out by either (1) choosing to use the Nuget 3.5 version radio button in the task config or (2) supplying a path to your nuget.config.
所以,你可以使用Nuget 3.5版本或者指定nuget.config文件。