Azure Search .net SDK- 如何使用"FindFailedActionsToRetry"?

Azure Search .net SDK- How to use "FindFailedActionsToRetry"?

使用 Azure Search .net SDK,当您尝试索引文档时,您可能会遇到异常 IndexBatchException

From the documentation here:

            var batch = IndexBatch.Upload(documents);
        catch (IndexBatchException e)
            // Sometimes when your Search service is under load, indexing will fail for some of the documents in
            // the batch. Depending on your application, you can take compensating actions like delaying and
            // retrying. For this simple demo, we just log the failed document keys and continue.
                "Failed to index some of the documents: {0}",
                String.Join(", ", e.IndexingResults.Where(r => !r.Succeeded).Select(r => r.Key)));

如何 e.FindFailedActionsToRetry 用于创建新批次以重试失败操作的索引?


    public void UploadDocuments<T>(SearchIndexClient searchIndexClient, IndexBatch<T> batch, int count) where T : class, IMyAppSearchDocument
        catch (IndexBatchException e)
            if (count == 5) //we will try to index 5 times and give up if it still doesn't work.
                throw new Exception("IndexBatchException: Indexing Failed for some documents.");

            Thread.Sleep(5000); //we got an error, wait 5 seconds and try again (in case it's an intermitent or network issue

            var retryBatch = e.FindFailedActionsToRetry<T>(batch, arg => arg.ToString());
            UploadDocuments(searchIndexClient, retryBatch, count++);


var retryBatch = e.FindFailedActionsToRetry<T>(batch, arg => arg.ToString());

FindFailedActionsToRetry 的第二个参数,名为 keySelector,是一个函数,它应该 return 模型类型上的任何 属性 代表您的文档密钥。在您的示例中,您的模型类型在 UploadDocuments 内的编译时未知,因此您需要更改 UploadsDocuments 以也采用 keySelector 参数并将其传递给 FindFailedActionsToRetry. UploadDocuments 的调用者需要指定特定于类型 T 的 lambda。例如,如果 Tthis article 中示例代码中的示例 Hotel class,则 lambda 必须是 hotel => hotel.HotelId,因为 HotelId 是用作文档密钥的 Hotel 的 属性。

顺便说一下,catch 块中的等待不应等待恒定的时间。如果您的搜索服务负载很重,等待持续的延迟并不能真正帮助它有时间恢复。相反,我们建议按指数方式后退(例如——第一个延迟是 2 秒,然后是 4 秒,然后是 8 秒,然后是 16 秒,直到某个最大值)。

我参加了 and and implemented it using Polly

  • 指数退避最多一分钟,之后每隔一分钟重试一次。
  • 只要有进展就重试。 5 次请求后超时,没有任何进展。
  • IndexBatchExceptionis also thrown for unknown documents。我选择忽略此类非暂时性故障,因为它们可能表示不再相关的请求(例如,在单独的请求中删除文档)。
int curActionCount = work.Actions.Count();
int noProgressCount = 0;

await Polly.Policy
    .Handle<IndexBatchException>() // One or more of the actions has failed.
        // Exponential backoff (2s, 4s, 8s, 16s, ...) and constant delay after 1 minute.
        retryAttempt => TimeSpan.FromSeconds( Math.Min( Math.Pow( 2, retryAttempt ), 60 ) ),
        (ex, _) =>
            var batchEx = ex as IndexBatchException;
            work = batchEx.FindFailedActionsToRetry( work, d => d.Id );

            // Verify whether any progress was made.
            int remainingActionCount = work.Actions.Count();
            if ( remainingActionCount == curActionCount ) ++noProgressCount;
            curActionCount = remainingActionCount;
        } )
    .ExecuteAsync( async () =>
        // Limit retries if no progress is made after multiple requests.
        if ( noProgressCount > 5 )
            throw new TimeoutException( "Updating Azure search index timed out." );

        // Only retry if the error is transient (determined by FindFailedActionsToRetry).
        // IndexBatchException is also thrown for unknown document IDs;
        // consider them outdated requests and ignore.
        if ( curActionCount > 0 )
            await _search.Documents.IndexAsync( work );
    } );