MinGW 是否交叉编译 IA64?

Does MinGW cross-compile IA64?

我想在 Linux 平台上交叉编译 Windows IA64 二进制文件。


没有。 MinGW 仅生成 32 位可执行文件。 MinGW-w64 支持 32 位和 64 位 x86 二进制文件,但不支持 IA64


  • ...
  • Supports 32-bit and 64-bit Windows i386/x64
  • Supports Multilib toolchains
  • Supports bleeding edge gcc/binutils


很久以前就有人要求在 GCC 中支持 Windows IA64,但我怀疑是否有人会花时间支持该架构。甚至微软也放弃安腾多年。

To the Team of GCC,
Our Developing Team is looking for a 64-bit Compiler that would be able to Compiler 64-Bit Windows Applications for the IA-64 Architecture and possibly the x86-64 bit Architecture.
I am Inquiring as to whether a IA-64 Windows Platform Version of GCC has yet been procured or if not when in the future a version might come across.


There is no IA-64 windows support in gcc at this time.
It will be available if and when someone contributes the code to the FSF. It is not possible to predict if or when this will happen.


分叉 mingw 以支持 IA64 可能是可行的,但需要付出很多努力。我认为最简单的方法是使用 LLVM,因为只需要 backend for translating IR to IA64 instructions