使用 Action 和 Lambda 进行 NUnit 测试

NUnit Testing with Action and Lambda

我一直在阅读 MSDN 上的 Actions 和 Lambda 表达式,但仍然缺少一些东西。我有以下 public class.

public class ExitChecker
    public Action EnvironmentExitAction { get; set; }

    public ExitChecker(string[] args)
        if (string.Compare(args[0], "-help", true) == 0)
            EnvironmentExitAction = () => Environment.Exit(0);


public class AVSRunnerConsoleAppTests
    public void TestConsoleAppWithHelpArg()
        string[] args = new string[1] { "-help" };           
        ExitChecker exitchecker = new ExitChecker(args);

        bool exitZeroOccured = false;
        exitchecker.EnvironmentExitAction = () => exitZeroOccured = true;

        Assert.That(exitZeroOccured, Is.True);

我正在尝试测试 Environment.Exit 而不实际调用 Environment.Exit。一切似乎都可以编译并且 运行 很好,但我似乎无法将 Lambda 表达式中的 exitZeroOccured 更改为 true。有人能指出我正确的方向吗?

您永远不会调用 EnvironmentExitAction。将您的代码更改为:

public void TestConsoleAppWithHelpArg()
    string[] args = new string[1] { "-help" };
    ExitChecker exitchecker = new ExitChecker(args);

    bool exitZeroOccured = false;
    exitchecker.EnvironmentExitAction = () => exitZeroOccured = true;


    Assert.That(exitZeroOccured, Is.True);