关于从 AVAudioPCMBuffer 中提取声压级

On extracting the sound pressure level from AVAudioPCMBuffer

我对信号处理几乎一无所知,目前我正在尝试在 Swift 中实现一个函数,当 sound pressure level 增加时(例如,当人类的尖叫声)。

我正在使用这样的回调进入 AVAudioEngine 的输入节点:

let recordingFormat = inputNode.outputFormat(forBus: 0)
inputNode.installTap(onBus: 0, bufferSize: 1024, format: recordingFormat){
 (buffer : AVAudioPCMBuffer?, when : AVAudioTime) in 
    let arraySize = Int(buffer.frameLength)
    let samples = Array(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: buffer.floatChannelData![0], count:arraySize))

   //do something with samples
    let volume = 20 * log10(floatArray.reduce(0){ [=10=] + } / Float(arraySize))
       print("this is the current volume: \(volume)")


但这给我的价值波动很大,即使 iPad 只是坐在一个安静的房间里:

this is the current volume: -123.971
this is the current volume: -119.698
this is the current volume: -147.053
this is the current volume: -119.749
this is the current volume: -118.815
this is the current volume: -123.26
this is the current volume: -118.953
this is the current volume: -117.273
this is the current volume: -116.869
this is the current volume: -110.633
this is the current volume: -130.988
this is the current volume: -119.475
this is the current volume: -116.422
this is the current volume: -158.268
this is the current volume: -118.933



        print("this is the current volume: \(volume)")
        volumeSum += volume
        volumeCount += 1
     }else if(isInTheEventTriggeringPhase){
         if(volume > meanVolume){
             //triggers an event

其中 averageVolume 是在从准备阶段到触发事件阶段的过渡期间计算的:meanVolume = volumeSum / Float(volumeCount)


然而,如果我在麦克风之外播放响亮的音乐,似乎没有明显的增加。在极少数情况下,volume 大于 meanVolume,即使环境的音量没有显着增加(人耳可听见)。



p 是均方根声压,p0 是参考声压。

但我不知道 AVAudioPCMBuffer.floatChannelData 中的浮点值代表什么。 The apple page 只说

The buffer's audio samples as floating point values.


我认为第一步是得到声音的envelope。您可以使用简单的平均来计算包络线,但您需要添加一个校正步骤(通常意味着使用 abs() 或 square() 使所有样本为正)

更常见的是使用简单的 iir-filter 而不是平均,具有不同的攻击和衰减常数,这里是 lab。请注意,这些常数取决于采样频率,您可以使用此公式计算常数:

1 - exp(-timePerSample*2/smoothingTime)

第 2 步

当你有了包络线后,你可以用一个额外的滤波器来平滑它,然后比较两个包络线找到一个比baselevel更响亮的声音,这里有一个更complete lab.

请注意,检测音频 "events" 可能非常棘手,并且难以预测,请确保您有大量的调试帮助!

感谢@teadrinker 的回复,我终于找到了解决这个问题的方法。我分享我的 Swift 代码输出 AVAudioPCMBuffer 输入的音量:

private func getVolume(from buffer: AVAudioPCMBuffer, bufferSize: Int) -> Float {
    guard let channelData = buffer.floatChannelData?[0] else {
        return 0

    let channelDataArray = Array(UnsafeBufferPointer(start:channelData, count: bufferSize))

    var outEnvelope = [Float]()
    var envelopeState:Float = 0
    let envConstantAtk:Float = 0.16
    let envConstantDec:Float = 0.003

    for sample in channelDataArray {
        let rectified = abs(sample)

        if envelopeState < rectified {
            envelopeState += envConstantAtk * (rectified - envelopeState)
        } else {
            envelopeState += envConstantDec * (rectified - envelopeState)

    // 0.007 is the low pass filter to prevent
    // getting the noise entering from the microphone
    if let maxVolume = outEnvelope.max(),
        maxVolume > Float(0.015) {
        return maxVolume
    } else {
        return 0.0