python 中用户定义的图例

User defined legend in python



使用 fill_bettween 绘制数据将自动在图例中包含填充区域。




请参阅下面说明上述要点的 MWE:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np


# Gererate some datas:
x = np.random.rand(50)
y = np.arange(len(x))

# Plot data:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11, 4))
fillA = ax.fill_between(y, x-0.25, 0.5, color='darkolivegreen', alpha=0.65, lw=0)
fillB = ax.fill_between(y, x, 0.5, color='indianred', alpha=0.75, lw=0)

linec, = ax.plot(y, np.zeros(len(y))+0.5, color='blue', lw=1.5)
linea, = ax.plot(y, x, color='orange', lw=1.5)
lineb, = ax.plot(y, x-0.25, color='black', lw=1.5)

# Define an arbitrary legend handle with a proxy:
rec1 = plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc='blue', lw=0, alpha=0.25)

# Generate the legend:
handles = [linea, lineb, linec, fillA, fillB, (fillA, fillB),
           rec1, (fillA, fillB, rec1)]
labels = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'A', 'B', 'A+B', 'C', 'A+B+C']
ax.legend(handles, labels, loc=2, ncol=4)

ax.axis(ymin=-1, ymax=2)

是的,你完全正确 ian_itor,tacaswell 和 Jean-Sébastien,用户定义的图例似乎是唯一的解决方案,此外我还为 linewidth那些区域要与曲线区分开来,并使用 alpha 得到正确的颜色。

handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
display = (0,1,2,3,4)

overlap_1 = plt.Line2D((0,1),(0,0), color='firebrick', linestyle='-',linewidth=15, alpha = 0.85)
overlap_2= plt.Line2D((0,1),(0,0), color='darkolivegreen',linestyle='-',linewidth=15, alpha = 0.65)
over_lo_3= plt.Line2D((0,1),(0,0), color='indianred',linestyle='-',linewidth=15, alpha = 0.75) 

ax.legend([handle for i,handle in enumerate(handles) if i in display]+[overlap_1 , overlap_2 , overlap_3 ],
      [label for i,label in enumerate(labels) if i in display]+['D','F','G'])