Git 检查代码是否存在的挂钩

Git hook to check presence of code

我对 git 的了解有限,无法理解 git-hooks 上的文档。我想知道是否有办法添加 git-hook 或其他一些构造,以便它可以检查某个文件中是否有某些代码 present/commented 。我的工作流程是我有一个配置文件 globalConfig.js,其中包含两组配置 developmentproduction。当我在开发时,我取消注释 development 配置并注释掉 production 配置但是当我将任何代码提交到我的 repo 时,我想确保 production 配置未被注释并且development 配置已评论。

摘自 globalConfig.js 文件


  // Production config - Always uncomment it before commiting
  // const firebaseConfig = {
  //   apiKey: "prod",
  //   authDomain: "prod",
  //   databaseURL: "prod",
  //   storageBucket: "prod",
  //   messagingSenderId: "prod"
  // };

  // Dev config - Always comment out before commiting
  const firebaseConfig = {
    apiKey: "dev",
    authDomain: "dev",
    databaseURL: "dev",
    storageBucket: "dev",
    messagingSenderId: "dev"


  // Production config - Always uncomment it before commiting
  const firebaseConfig = {
   apiKey: "prod",
   authDomain: "prod",
   databaseURL: "prod",
   storageBucket: "prod",
   messagingSenderId: "prod"

  // Dev config - Always comment out before commiting
  // const firebaseConfig = {
  //  apiKey: "dev",
  //  authDomain: "dev",
  //  databaseURL: "dev",
  //  storageBucket: "dev",
  //  messagingSenderId: "dev"

是否可以通过 git-hook 或其他一些 git 构造来实现它?

以下预提交挂钩应该可以帮助您入门。如果文件中包含 development 一词,那么它必须是注释,否则不允许提交。


  1. 使用以下内容创建 .git/hooks/pre-commit

    git diff --cached --name-status | while read file; 
                if egrep "development" $file ; then
                    echo "ERROR: Disallowed development configuration in file: ${file}"
                    exit 1
    done || exit $?

请注意 egrep 表达式非常简单 atm,但您应该能够根据您的要求修改它(即 globalConfig.js 的确切内容)或者,您可以使用来自 globalConfig.js :)

  1. 更改权限

chmod 755 .git/hooks/pre-commit

  1. 然后尝试提交无效的 globalConfig.js 文件。这是我的测试结果:

☻  cat globalConfig.js                                 SomeOtherFeature/abc 0d174e2 ✗
var Production = new String("Production Configuration");
var development = new String("development Configuration");

$ git add globalConfig.js

$ git commit -m "Commit should not be allowed"
Checking if globalConfig.js is valid
var development = new String("development Configuration");
ERROR: Disallowed development configuration in file: globalConfig.js