GetRoomList() 总是 returns 空数组

GetRoomList() always returns empty array

我一直在 OnReceivedRoomListUpdate 函数中得到房间列表,但最近,这个函数中的 PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList() 总是 returns 一个空数组。


public class RefreshRooms : Photon.PunBehaviour {

   void Start () {
        PhotonNetwork.autoJoinLobby = true;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {
        // FYI: Here, PhotonNetwork.countOfPlayers gives the correct count of players currently in the lobby
    public void Refresh()
    void OnJoinedLobby()
        // Display 'Fetching Rooms List...' message

    void OnReceivedRoomListUpdate()
        // Here PhotonNetowrk.GetRoomList().Length always gives 0, even if there are rooms

        // Also, this function is getting called only once in the entire lifecycle

        // FYI: PhotonNetwork.insideLobby gives true here

我正在使用 PUN v1.51。我现在需要实施的 API 有什么变化吗?

似乎在 Photon 更新中发生了一些变化。许多人在更新 Photon 后遇到了这个问题。您现在需要在调用此函数之前启用 AutoJoinLobby

PhotonNetwork.autoJoinLobby = true;