Fortran generic procedure error: may not be generic

Fortran generic procedure error: may not be generic


fortran class declaration of dummy argument


module proc_mod
  public :: forced,ideal
  interface forced;    module procedure forced1;    end interface
  interface forced;    module procedure forced2;    end interface

function forced1() result(forced)
 implicit none
 integer:: forced
 forced = 1
end function

function forced2(t) result(forced)
 implicit none
 integer,intent(in) :: t
 integer:: forced
 forced = t
end function

function ideal() result(i)
 implicit none
 integer:: i
 i = 2
end function

end module

program procTest
  use proc_mod
  implicit none

  integer :: n

  procedure(forced), pointer:: funPointer => NULL()

  write(*,'(A)') "Please enter the type of vortex calculation you wish to use."
  read(*,*) n                                                                  

  select case( n )
    case( 1 );    funPointer => forced
    case( 2 );    funPointer => ideal
    case default; funPointer => ideal
  end select

  write(*,'(A,I3)') "You chose function: ", funPointer()

end program

现在我收到错误:funPointer 可能不是通用的。我确定有办法解决它,但我不熟悉通用程序。


您或许应该解释一下您的意图,而不仅仅是展示一些代码并询问是否可以以不同的方式完成。但无论如何,请记住 Fortran 泛型用于 编译时间 调度。