
Same Binary search not working, one circumstance, but working in another

经历 CS50、Pset3 并绝望 help/patience。 我正在尝试实施 helpers.c 以便 find.c 具有正确的函数来调用..但是它没有连接..

我做了一个名为 testBinSearch 的单独作品,它确实有效。使用相同的代码..有人可以告诉我为什么..?

 * helpers.c
 * Computer Science 50
 * Problem Set 3
 * Helper functions for Problem Set 3.
#include <stdio.h>       
#include <cs50.h>

#include "helpers.h"

 * Returns true if value is in array of n values, else false.
//search(needle, haystack, size)
bool search(int value, int values[], int n)

    // TODO: implement a Binary searching algorithm (You are welcome to take an iterative approach (as with a loop) or a recursive approach (wherein a function calls itself).)

        //define startPoint. numberOfArrayElements(aka size) - (numberOfArrayElements(aka size) - 1) or Element[0]

       //define endPoint. numberOfArrayElements(aka size)
       int endPoint = n - 1; //element! we -1 because array start from 0th element. last element of array that is 5 elements big will thus be (total number of Elements - 1)th element.

       //define midPoint. numberOfArrayElements(aka size)/2
       int midPoint = endPoint/2; //element!

       //while loop? 
       while(n > 0)
               //if midPoint == needle, return 0
               if(values[midPoint] == value)
                   return 0;

               //////////(if midPoint is smaller(to the left) or larger(to the right) than needle)
               //ELSE IF midPoint > than needle(look left), keep startPoint, change endPoint element to values[midPoint - 1], define midPoint again.
               else if(values[midPoint] > value)
                   endPoint = midPoint - 1;
                   midPoint = endPoint/2;
                   n = endPoint;
                   printf("mid point is more than needle\n");
               //ELSE midPoint < than needle(look right), keep endPoint, change Startpoint element to values[midPoint + 1], define mindPoint again.
               else if(values[midPoint] < value)
                   int startPoint = midPoint + 1;

                   //define midpoint again
                   midPoint = (endPoint + startPoint)/2;
                   n = endPoint - startPoint + 1;
                   printf("mid point is less than needle\n");


      printf("cued the while loop return 1\n");
      return 1;

 * Sorts array of n values. Done with Insertion sort*
void sort(int values[], int n)
    //declare variable
    int element;

    //number of iterations (or passes?). Skip first because first array is already sorted
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
            //value of element moving into sorted portion
            element = values[i];

            //declare variable
            int j = 0;

            //index into the unsorted portion
            j = i;

            //iterate sorted portion from right to left while sorted portion is greater than 'Element' being compared in this iteration of i.
            //basically, it stops this loop once the 'Element' is placed to the left of all greater&&sorted numbers.
            while(j > 0 && values[j - 1] > element)
                //shift all sorted positions to the right 
                values[j] = values[j - 1];

                // this enables the loop to move left through the sorted portion
                j = j - 1; 


            //insert temp holder value into the position which is now empty because all sorted&&greater number are to the right of 'Element'
            values[j] = element;


        for(int k = 0; k < n; k++)
         //print to check
                printf("{%i}<-- number in %i-th array (sorted)\n", values[k], k);


这里是 find.c 代码:

 * find.c
 * Computer Science 50
 * Problem Set 3
 * Prompts user for as many as MAX values until EOF is reached, 
 * then proceeds to search that "haystack" of values for given needle.
 * Usage: ./find needle
 * where needle is the value to find in a haystack of values

#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "helpers.h"

// maximum amount of hay
const int MAX = 65536;

int main(int argc, string argv[])
    // ensure proper usage
    if (argc != 2)
        printf("Usage: ./find needle\n");
        return -1;

    // remember needle
    int needle = atoi(argv[1]);

    // fill haystack
    int size;
    int haystack[MAX];
    for (size = 0; size < MAX; size++)
        // wait for hay until EOF
        printf("\nhaystack[%i] = ", size);
        int straw = GetInt();
        if (straw == INT_MAX)

        // add hay to stack
        haystack[size] = straw;

    // sort the haystack
    sort(haystack, size);

    // try to find needle in haystack
    if (search(needle, haystack, size))
        printf("\nFound needle in haystack!\n\n");
        return 0;
        printf("\nDidn't find needle in haystack.\n\n");
        return 1;


最后,当我将它们全部键入一个文件时,这是单独工作的代码(或者至少它似乎可以工作)...标题为 testBinSearch 下面

#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>

void sort(int array[], int NumberOfElements);
bool search(int value, int values[], int n);

int main(void)

    //decalre variable
    int NumberOfElements;

    printf("how many Element would you like in this array?\n");
    NumberOfElements = GetInt();

    //declare variable for array
    int array[NumberOfElements];

    for(int i = 0; i < NumberOfElements; i++)
            printf("alright, please key in value of each element\n");
            array[i] = GetInt();

    sort(array, NumberOfElements);

    for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfElements; i++)
            printf("alright, here is your array sorted, element %i is %i\n", i, array[i]);

    printf("value ot search for?\n");
    int value = GetInt();
    search(value, array, NumberOfElements);

void sort(int array[], int NumberOfElements)
    //declare variable
    int element;

    //number of iterations (or passes?). Skip first because first array is already sorted
    for (int i = 1; i < NumberOfElements; i++)
            //value of element moving into sorted portion
            element = array[i];

            //declare variable
            int j = 0;

            //index into the unsorted portion
            j = i;

            //iterate sorted portion from right to left while sorted portion is greater than 'Element' being compared in this iteration of i.
            //basically, it stops this loop once the 'Element' is placed to the left of all greater&&sorted numbers.
            while(j > 0 && array[j - 1] > element)
                //shift all sorted positions to the right 
                array[j] = array [j - 1];

                // this enables the loop to move left through the sorted portion
                j = j - 1; 


            //insert temp holder value into the position which is now empty because all sorted&&greater number are to the right of 'Element'
            array[j] = element;



bool search(int value, int values[], int n)

    // TODO: implement a Binary searching algorithm (You are welcome to take an iterative approach (as with a loop) or a recursive approach (wherein a function calls itself).)

    //variables declaration
    //int startPoint;
    //int endPoint;
    //int midPoint;

        //define startPoint. numberOfArrayElements(aka size) - (numberOfArrayElements(aka size) - 1) or Element[0]

       //define endPoint. numberOfArrayElements(aka size)
       int endPoint = n - 1; //element!

       //define midPoint. numberOfArrayElements(aka size)/2
       int midPoint = endPoint/2; //element!

       //while loop? 
       while(n > 0)
               //if midPoint == needle, return 0
               if(values[midPoint] == value)
                   printf("found it!\n");
                   return 0;

               //////////(if midPoint is smaller(to the left) or larger(to the right) than needle)
               //ELSE IF midPoint > than needle(look left), keep startPoint, change endPoint element to values[midPoint - 1], define midPoint again.
               else if(values[midPoint] > value)
                   endPoint = midPoint - 1;
                   midPoint = endPoint/2;
                   n = endPoint;
               //ELSE midPoint < than needle(look right), keep endPoint, change Startpoint element to values[midPoint + 1], define mindPoint again.
               else if(values[midPoint] < value)
                   int startPoint = midPoint + 1;

                   //define midpoint again
                   midPoint = (endPoint + startPoint)/2;
                   n = endPoint - startPoint + 1;


      printf("could not find it\n");
      return 1;

谁能帮帮我,告诉我哪里做错了?我想出了代码并将其复制过来,但是一个有效(testBinSearch)而一个没有(helpers.c).. ?



midPoint = endPoint/2;


假设您有一个包含 100 个元素的数组。该代码可能会让您看到索引 75 到 99 之间的中点(例如 87),即您已经走了几次 smaller than 路径。

现在,如果您采用 greater than 部分,您计算的中点(例如 43)超出了感兴趣的范围

此外,起点变量不是smaller than情况下的变量。它必须与端点处于同一级别。在每个循环中,您必须更改起点 终点。中点的计算应始终取决于起点和终点。