(Python) 使用模数从更改秒到小时和分钟中获取余数

(Python) Using modulo to get the remainder from changing secs, to hrs and minutes

我目前刚开始学习 python 并且偶然发现了这个问题:

Exercise 2-7 Get the Time Write an algorithm that reads the amount of time in seconds and then displays the equivalent hours, minutes and remaining seconds. • One hour corresponds to 60 minutes. • One minute corresponds to 60 seconds.


def amount_time(t):
  h = t//3600
  m = int((t/3600 - h)*60)
  s = int(((t/3600 - h)*60 - m)*60)
  print("Number of hours:",h)
  print("Number of minutes:",m)
  print("Number of Seconds:", s)


这只是 "out of my head",因为我现在没有可以使用的测试系统。

def amount_time(t):
    print("Number of Seconds:", t % 60)
    print("Number of Minutes:", (t // 60) % 60)
    print("Number of Hours:", (t // 3600))

"t % 60" 的作用:

  1. 取t,除以60
  2. 删除点左边的所有内容
  3. 乘以 60


  1. 5000 / 60 = 83.33333
  2. => 0.33333
  3. 0.33333 * 60 = 20

您对分钟的计算不正确,您对小时使用模数。 你可以用分钟做同样的事情,就像你用秒代替一样:

m =     (t - h * 3600) // 60
s = int (t - h*3600 - m*60)
ms = int ((t - h*3600 - m*60 - s) * 1000) # milliseconds


print '{}:{}:{}.{}'.format(h,m,s,ms)


python dokumentation for string formatting