
Rolling average, vb.net

我有一个传感器(实际上是 Quartzonix 压力传感器)通过串口输出数据,大约每秒 3 次。我想设置一些代码,根据 x 样本量给我一个平均读数。


01+   1.502347091823e01
01+   1.501987234092e01
01+   1.50234524524e01
01+   1.502123412341e01
01+   1.502236234523e01
01+   1.50198345e01
01+   1.502346234523e01

.. 并将一直持续下去,直到 com 端口关闭或传感器收到另一个命令。


Private Sub btnStart_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnStart.Click
    Dim a As String
    a = "MC" & Chr(13)

        Dim Incoming As String = MyComPort.ReadLine()
        Dim incomingtext As String = Incoming.Remove(0, 3)

        If Incoming Is Nothing Then
            Exit Do
            txtRawData.Text = Incoming
            boxPSIA.Text = Format(Val(incomingtext), "##0.000")

        End If

End Sub

“$01MC”是传感器开始吐出数据所需的命令。当我点击开始按钮时,我发生了一些奇怪的超时事件,但那是另一个节目(可能需要调整 .readtimeout,不确定)。

我有一个文本框 txtReadingsToAvg,用于输入平均读数的数量。我只是没有思考如何真正让它计算平均值(比如,单击按钮然后随地吐痰它输出到一个消息框,甚至另一个文本框)。

不确定您的代码是如何工作的。你说你得到值 @ 大约 3 赫兹?那么直线上升 Do...Loop 就太快了。当串行端口接收到数据时会引发一个事件。好好利用它。


' WithEvents allows events to be handled with "Handles" keyword
Private WithEvents myComPort As SerialPort
Private dataQueue As Queue(Of Double)
Private numReadingsToAvg As Integer = 0

Private Sub btnStart_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnStart.Click
    ' make a new queue here to initialize or clear an old queue
    dataQueue = New Queue(Of Double)()
    ' read the num avgs text box. you may want to change on the fly also
    numReadingsToAvg = Integer.Parse(Me.txtReadingsToAvg.Text)
    myComPort.WriteLine("MC" & Chr(13))
End Sub

Private Sub myComPort_DataReceived(sender As Object, e As SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles myComPort.DataReceived
    Dim incomingLine As String = myComPort.ReadLine()
    ' DataReceived event happens on its own thread, not the UI
    ' must invoke call back to UI to change properties of controls
    txtRawData.Invoke(Sub() txtRawData.Text = incomingLine)
    Dim incomingValue As String = incomingLine.Remove(0, 3).Trim()
    If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(incomingValue) Then
        Exit Sub
        Dim measurement As Double = Double.Parse(incomingValue)
        boxPSIA.Invoke(Sub() boxPSIA.Text = Format(measurement, "##0.000"))
        ' if there are too many items, remove the last one
        If dataQueue.Count > numReadingsToAvg Then
        End If
        Dim average As Double = dataQueue.Average()
        ' you need to add this textbox
        anotherTextBox.Invoke(Sub() anotherTextBox.Text = Format(average, "##0.000"))
    End If
End Sub

顺便说一句,Application.DoEvents() should rarely (never) be used, as there's always a better way to remedy whatever problem you are bandaging with DoEvents。您的原始示例在 UI 上因永无止境的循环 运行ning 阻塞了 UI 线程。如果你需要 运行 这样的循环,它应该几乎总是 运行 在与 UI 线程不同的线程上。在我的例子中,没有环路,时间由端口自己决定。无需在 UI 线程上发生任何此类情况。