Hangfire ASP.NET 核心 MVC

Hangfire ASP.NET Core MVC

遇到问题scheduling/enqueuing Hangfire (1.6.5) 的 MVC 操作 (自定义 IServices 工作得很好..)

没有注册类型 'Controllers.MyController' 的服务。

public class MyController : Controller
    public IActionResult RenderViewToString() 
        return View();

    public IActionResult Test() 
        //Attempt 1
        Hangfire.BackgroundJob.Enqueue<MyController>(c => c.RenderViewToString());

        //Attempt 2
        Hangfire.BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => c.RenderViewToString());

        return new EmptyResult();

默认情况下,控制器不会在 ASP.NET Core 中的依赖注入系统中注册。您需要显式调用 AddControllersAsService 来注册它们,如 this GitHub issue:



Maybe I'm wrong but as I tested deeply (and checked Mvc source code), Controllers are not resolved from IServiceProvider, but only constructor arguments of them are resolved from IServiceProvider.

Is that by design? I'm very suprised. Because, I'm using a different DI framework which supports property injection. And I can not use property injection since Controller instances are not requested from IServiceProvider.

您是否在您的 Startup (https://github.com/aspnet/Mvc/blob/ab76f743f4ee537939b69bdb9f79bfca35398545/test/WebSites/ControllersFromServicesWebSite/Startup.cs#L37) 中添加了 AddControllersAsServices

另请参阅 this answer 相关问题以获取示例和更多详细信息。