在 Alloy 中对二元关系使用集合理解

Using set comprehension on binary relationships in Alloy


sig Id, Grade {}

sig Foo {
    result : Id -> Grade

现在我想创建一个接受 foo 变量和 returns 所有关联 Foo -> Grade 关系的函数:

fun results[ id : Id ]: Foo -> Grade {
    //return all Foo->Grade binary relationships such that "id -> grade" in Foo.result

所以如果 "result" 关系是这样的:

(foo0, id0, grade0)
(foo0, id1, grade0)
(foo0, id2, grade1)
(foo1, id0, grade2)
(foo1, id3, grade3)
(foo2, id0, grade0)

我 运行 函数 "results[ id0 ]" 我会得到:

(foo0, grade0)
(foo1, grade2)
(foo2, grade0)


Now i guess I would use some sort of set comprehension, but the issue is that set comprehension only works with unary sets, not binary sets.

第一次正确(是的,使用集合推导),第二次不太正确(集合推导可以很好地处理关系)。请参阅语言参考的 B.8 节,或 Software Abstractions.

的 3.5.5


fun results[ id : Id ]: Foo -> Grade {
/* return all Foo->Grade binary relationships
   such that "id -> grade" in Foo.result */
   { f : Foo, g : Grade 
     | f -> id -> g in result } 
   /* not Foo.result, that was a slip */


{ f : Foo, g : Grade | f.result.g = id }