
Simplifying anonymous methods for background worker

我正在尝试通过按钮点击来制作我的所有代码,运行 在后台工作程序中。所以我有以下代码模板。

BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
backgroundWorker.DoWork += delegate
while (backgroundWorker.IsBusy)


编辑: 我尝试 运行 的典型代码是:

//Synchronous task
//Synchronous task
return taskResult ? "Success" : "Failure"

没有更多上下文,就不可能提出非常具体的改进建议。也就是说,您肯定可以摆脱 while 循环。只需使用:

BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
backgroundWorker.DoWork += delegate

请注意,如果您有要在 BackgroundWorker 任务完成时执行的代码(可能解释为什么您首先有 while 循环),这样的事情会起作用(而不是使用之前的 while 循环):

BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
backgroundWorker.DoWork += delegate
backgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += (sender, e) =>
    // code to execute when background task is done

在现代 C# 中,BackgroundWorker 几乎已过时。它现在提供的主要好处是方便的进度报告,实际上可以通过使用 Progress<T>.


如果您不需要报告进度,分解您的代码以使用 async/await 很容易:

await Task.Run(() =>

// code to execute when background task is done


Progress<int> progress = new Progress<int>();

progress.ProgressChanged += (sender, progressValue) =>
    // do something with "progressValue" here

await Task.Run(() =>

    // When reporting progress ("progressValue" is some hypothetical
    // variable containing the progress value to report...Progress<T>
    // is generic so you can customize to do whatever you want)

// code to execute when background task is done

最后,在某些情况下,您可能需要任务 return 一个值。在那种情况下,它看起来更像这样:

var result = await Task.Run(() =>

    // "someValue" would be a variable or expression having the value you
    // want to return. It can be of any type.
    return someValue;

// At this point in execution "result" now has the value returned by the
// background task. Note that in the above example, the method itself
// is anonymous and so you could just set a local variable at the end of the
// task; the value-returning syntax is more useful when you are calling an
// actual method that itself returns a value, and is especially useful when
// you are calling an `async` method that returns a value (i.e. you're not
// even using `Task.Run()` in the `await` statement.

// code to execute when background task is done
