Google 矩阵 API - python return 无类型错误

Google Matrix API - python return Nonetype error


*终于解决了问题,将 try except 更改为包含 TypeError 并在 except 中使用 pass 而不是 continue。

"End of update"

我编写代码使用 Google 距离矩阵 API 搜索两个位置之间的距离。起始位置是固定的,但是对于目的地,我是从 xlsx 文件中获取的。我期待得到目标为 Key 且距离为 value 的字典。当我 运行 下面的代码时,在某个循环之后我偶然发现了这个错误代码:

TypeError: Expected a lat/lng dict or tuple, but got NoneType

你能帮我了解错误的原因吗?这是代码 (

import googlemaps
import openpyxl

#get origin and destination locations
def cleanWB(file_path):
    destination = list()

    wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename=file_path)
    ws = wb.get_sheet_by_name('Sheet1')
    for i in range(ws.max_row):
        cellValueLocation = ws.cell(row=i+2,column=1).value

    #remove duplicates from destination list
    unique_location = list(set(destination))
    return unique_location

def getDistance(origin, destination):
    #Google distance matrix API key
    gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key = 'INSERT API KEY')
    distance = gmaps.distance_matrix(origin, destination)
    distance_status = distance['rows'][0]['elements'][0]['status']
    if distance_status != 'ZERO_RESULTS':
        jDistance = distance['rows'][0]['elements'][0]
        distance_location = jDistance['distance']['value']
        distance_location = 0

    return distance_location

我 运行 使用此代码:

import pygmap

unique_location = pygmap.cleanWB('C:/Users/an_id/Documents/location.xlsx')
origin = 'alam sutera'
result = {}
for i in range(len(unique_location)):
        result[unique_location[i]] = pygmap.getDistance(origin, unique_location[i])
    except (KeyError, TypeError):

如果我打印结果,它会显示我已成功获得 46 个结果

result {'Pondok Pinang': 25905, 'Jatinegara Kaum': 40453, 'Serdang': 1623167, 'Jatiasih ': 44737, 'Tanah Sereal': 77874, 'Jatikarya': 48399, 'Duri Kepa': 20716, 'Mampan g Prapatan': 31880, 'Pondok Pucung': 12592, 'Johar Baru': 46791, 'Karet': 26889, 'Bukit Duri': 34039, 'Sukamaju': 55333, 'Pasir Gunung Selatan': 42140, 'Pinangs ia': 30471, 'Pinang Ranti': 38099, 'Bantar Gebang': 50778, 'Sukabumi Utara': 204 41, 'Kembangan Utara': 17708, 'Kwitang': 25860, 'Kuningan Barat': 31231, 'Cilodo ng': 58879, 'Pademangan Barat': 32585, 'Kebon Kelapa': 23452, 'Mekar Jaya': 5381 0, 'Kampung Bali': 1188894, 'Pajang': 30008, 'Sukamaju Baru': 53708, 'Benda Baru ': 19965, 'Sukabumi Selatan': 19095, 'Gandaria Utara': 28429, 'Setia Mulya': 635 34, 'Rawajati': 31724, 'Cireundeu': 28220, 'Cimuning': 55712, 'Lebak Bulus': 273 61, 'Kayuringin Jaya': 47560, 'Kedaung Kali Angke': 19171, 'Pagedangan': 16791, 'Karang Anyar': 171165, 'Petukangan Selatan': 18959, 'Rawabadak Selatan': 42765, 'Bojong Sari Baru': 26978, 'Padurenan': 53216, 'Jati Mekar': 2594703, 'Jatirang ga': 51119}

解决了在 Try Except 中包含 TypeError 的问题。并且还使用 pass 而不是 continue

import pygmap

unique_location = pygmap.cleanWB('C:/Users/an_id/Documents/location.xlsx')
origin = 'alam sutera'
result = {}

#get getPlace
for i in range(len(unique_location)):
        result[unique_location[i]] = pygmap.getDistance(origin, unique_location[i])
    except (KeyError, TypeError):
