Selenium 教程问题,如何解决我收到的许多错误?

Selenium tutorial troubles, How do I fix the MANY errors I'm recieving?

我目前正在学习 Selenium 教程 Here 并且我已经完全按照每个步骤进行操作,但是我的 Eclipse 程序一直在抛出错误。我使用的是 Selenium 3,而本教程适用于旧版本。除了这个,我找不到任何综合教程。如何修复以下代码中的错误?我已经评论了每一行之后我得到的确切错误。该代码已经包含了一些注释,因此请忽略行首的任何注释。其他一切都应该是错误信息。

我还需要知道如何使用 Eclipse 设置我的类路径,以允许它访问 GeckoDriver,这可能会或可能不会解决问题。

public class Gmail_Login { //Syntax error on token(s), misplaced construct(s)
import org.openqa.selenium.By; //The import org.openqa.selenium.By cannot be resolved
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; // The import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver cannot be resolved
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;// The import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement cannot be resolved
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;// The import org.openqa.selenium.firefox. cannot be resolved


    * @param args


           public static void main(String[] args) { //Multiple markers at this line -Syntax error,insert "enum Identifier" to complete EnumHeader   -Syntax error on tokens, AnnotationName expected instead   -Syntax error on token "}",invalid (    -Syntax error, insert")" to complete SingleMemberAnnotation    -Syntax error, insert "]" to complete ArrayAccess

    // objects and variables instantiation

                  WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();//Multiple markers at this line   -FirefoxDriver cannot be resolved to a type   -WebDriver cannot be resolved to a type

                  String appUrl = "";

    // launch the firefox browser and open the application url


    // maximize the browser window


    // declare and initialize the variable to store the expected title of the webpage.

                  String expectedTitle = " Sign in - Google Accounts ";

    // fetch the title of the web page and save it into a string variable

                  String actualTitle = driver.getTitle();

    // compare the expected title of the page with the actual title of the page and print the result

                  if (expectedTitle.equals(actualTitle))


                         System.out.println("Verification Successful - The correct title is displayed on the web page.");




                         System.out.println("Verification Failed - An incorrect title is displayed on the web page.");


    // enter a valid username in the email textbox

                  WebElement username = driver.findElement("Email"));//Multiple markers at this line   -WebElement cannot be resolved to a type



    // enter a valid password in the password textbox

                  WebElement password = driver.findElement("Passwd")); //Multiple markers at this line    -WebElement cannot be resolved to a type   -By cannot be resolved    -By cannot be resolved    


    // click on the Sign in button

                  WebElement SignInButton = driver.findElement("signIn")); //Multiple markers at this line   -WebElement cannot be resolved to a type     -By cannot be resolved 


    // close the web browser


                  System.out.println("Test script executed successfully.");

    // terminate the program


}//Syntax error on token "}", delete this token

我认为我所做的只是将导入移到 class 之外并删除了一个 },错误就消失了。我修复了缩进并删除了所有与错误相关的注释。试试这个...

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class Gmail_Login
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // objects and variables instantiation
        WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
        String appUrl = "";

        // launch the firefox browser and open the application url

        // maximize the browser window

        // declare and initialize the variable to store the expected title of the webpage.
        String expectedTitle = " Sign in - Google Accounts ";

        // fetch the title of the web page and save it into a string variable
        String actualTitle = driver.getTitle();

        // compare the expected title of the page with the actual title of the page and print the result
        if (expectedTitle.equals(actualTitle))
            System.out.println("Verification Successful - The correct title is displayed on the web page.");
            System.out.println("Verification Failed - An incorrect title is displayed on the web page.");

        // enter a valid username in the email textbox
        WebElement username = driver.findElement("Email"));

        // enter a valid password in the password textbox
        WebElement password = driver.findElement("Passwd"));

        // click on the Sign in button
        WebElement SignInButton = driver.findElement("signIn"));;

        // close the web browser
        System.out.println("Test script executed successfully.");
        // terminate the program

我想我所做的一切都是将导入移到 class 之外并删除一个 } 并且错误消失了。我修正了缩进并删除了所有与错误相关的评论。尝试以下编码:

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class Gmail_Login
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // objects and variables instantiation
        WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
        String appUrl = "";

        // launch the firefox browser and open the application url

        // maximize the browser window

        // declare and initialize the variable to store the expected title of the webpage.
        String expectedTitle = " Sign in - Google Accounts ";

        // fetch the title of the web page and save it into a string variable
        String actualTitle = driver.getTitle();

        // compare the expected title of the page with the actual title of the page and print the result
        if (expectedTitle.equals(actualTitle))
            System.out.println("Verification Successful - The correct title is displayed on the web page.");
            System.out.println("Verification Failed - An incorrect title is displayed on the web page.");

        // enter a valid username in the email textbox
        WebElement username = driver.findElement("Email"));

        // enter a valid password in the password textbox
        WebElement password = driver.findElement("Passwd"));

        // click on the Sign in button
        WebElement SignInButton = driver.findElement("signIn"));;

        // close the web browser
        System.out.println("Test script executed successfully.");
        // terminate the program