使用 NI VISION imaqDetectLines() 函数时出现一般保护错误

General Protection error when using NI VISION imaqDetectLines() function

我在 Labwindows\CVI

中使用 National Instruments Vision 模块

出于某种原因,当我使用函数 imaqDetectLines() 时,我得到 FATAL RUN-TIME ERROR: "Angle tracker.c", line 50, col 11, thread id 0x00002004: The program has caused a 'General Protection' fault at 0x6C5AD446.


#include "nivision.h"
#include <userint.h>
#include <cvirte.h>

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int nLines;
    ShapeDetectionOptions stShapeDetectionOption;
    RangeFloat aAngleRanges[2]={{0,10.0},{10.0,20.0}};
    CurveOptions stCurveOptions = {0};
    LineMatch *aLm;
    LineDescriptor lineDesc;
    Image *imageHdl = NULL, *imageDestHdl = NULL;
    char temp[1024] ="";

    if (InitCVIRTE (0, argv, 0) == 0)
        return -1;    /* out of memory */

    imageHdl = imaqCreateImage (0/*U8*/,1); 
    imageDestHdl = imaqCreateImage (0/*U8*/,1); 

    strcpy(temp,"C:\CVI2013\Projects\Angel Tracker\IMG\CC01.bmp");

    imaqReadFile (imageHdl, temp, NULL, NULL);

    imaqEdgeFilter (imageDestHdl, imageHdl, IMAQ_EDGE_SOBEL, NULL);

    lineDesc.maxLength = 100;
    lineDesc.minLength = 50;

    stShapeDetectionOption.minMatchScore = 1;
    stShapeDetectionOption.mode = 0;
    stShapeDetectionOption.numAngleRanges = 1;
    stShapeDetectionOption.angleRanges = aAngleRanges;
    stShapeDetectionOption.scaleRange.minValue = 1;
    stShapeDetectionOption.scaleRange.maxValue = 10;

    stCurveOptions.extractionMode = 0;
    stCurveOptions.threshold = 100;
    stCurveOptions.filterSize = 1;
    stCurveOptions.minLength = 100;
    stCurveOptions.rowStepSize = 10;
    stCurveOptions.columnStepSize = 10;
    stCurveOptions.maxEndPointGap = 1000;
    stCurveOptions.onlyClosed = TRUE;
    stCurveOptions.subpixelAccuracy = TRUE;

    aLm = imaqDetectLines(imageDestHdl, &lineDesc, &stCurveOptions
                           ,&stShapeDetectionOption, NULL, &nLines);

    return 0;


  1. 打开 BMP 文件

  2. 使用 SOBEL

  3. 使用 imaqEdgeFilter() func 对其进行边缘填充
  4. 然后我想用 imaqDetectLines() func

  5. 检测行



aLm = imaqDetectLines(imageDestHdl, &lineDesc, &stCurveOptions
                       ,&stShapeDetectionOption, NULL, &nLines);   

对于 ROI 参数,我传递了 NULL,因为我是从功能面板帮助中得到的:

The region of interest applied to the image that specifies where circles can be detected. Set this parameter to NULL to search the entire image.


ROI *roi;    
imaqSetWindowROI (0, NULL);    
roi = imaqGetWindowROI (0);  


aLm = imaqDetectLines(imageDestHdl, &lineDesc, &stCurveOptions
                       ,&stShapeDetectionOption, roi, &nLines);