jq - 如何 select 基于 'blacklist' 的 属性 值的对象

jq - How to select objects based on a 'blacklist' of property values

类似于此处回答的问题:,我想 select 对象基于 属性 值的黑名单...

以下作为白名单工作正常:curl -s 'https://api.github.com/repos/stedolan/jq/commits?per_page=10' | jq --argjson whitelist '["stedolan", "dtolnay"]' '.[] | select(.author.login == $whitelist[]) | {author: .author.login, message: .commit.message}'

  "author": "dtolnay",
  "message": "Remove David from maintainers"
  "author": "stedolan",
  "message": "Make jv_sort stable regardless of qsort details."
  "author": "stedolan",
  "message": "Add AppVeyor badge to README.md\n\nThanks @JanSchulz, @nicowilliams!"

问题是,我想否定这一点,只显示 'stedolan' 和 'dtolnay' 之外作者的提交;但是,如果我使用 !=not,我似乎会得到同样的错误结果:

nhenry@BONHENRY:~⟫ curl -s 'https://api.github.com/repos/stedolan/jq/commits?per_page=10' | jq --argjson blacklist '["stedolan", "dtolnay"]' '.[] | select(.author.login == $blacklist[] | not) | .author.login' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
     14 "nicowilliams"
      2 "stedolan"
      1 "dtolnay"
nhenry@BONHENRY:~⟫ curl -s 'https://api.github.com/repos/stedolan/jq/commits?per_page=10' | jq --argjson blacklist '["stedolan", "dtolnay"]' '.[] | select(.author.login != $blacklist[]) | .author.login' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
     14 "nicowilliams"
      2 "stedolan"
      1 "dtolnay"


一个解决方案就是使用 indexnot:

.[] | .author.login | select( . as $i | $blacklist | index($i) | not)

但是,假设您的 jq 有 all/2,使用它有话要说:

.[] | .author.login | select( . as $i | all($blacklist[]; $i != .))


def all(s; condition): reduce s as $i (true; . and ($i | condition));