绑定命名 DNS 错误 EOL

Bind named DNS error EOL


        Error in named configuration:
        dns_rdata_fromtext: acme8.lcl.zone:2: near eol: unexpected end of input
        acme8.lcl.zone:3: unknown RR type '3600'
        zone acme8.lcl/IN: loading from master file acme8.lcl.zone failed: unexpected end of input
        zone acme8.lcl/IN: not loaded due to errors.
        _default/acme8.lcl/IN: unexpected end of input

这是 acme8.lcl 文件

        $TTL 86400
        @       IN      SOA     ns1.acme8.lcl.
        root.acme8.lcl. (
                2013042201      ;Serial
                3600    ;Refresh
                1800    ;Retry
                604800  ;Expire
                86400   ;Minimum TTL
                IN      NS      ns1.acme.lcl.
        ns1     IN      A


   @       IN      SOA     ns1.acme8.lcl.
    root.acme8.lcl. (


   @       IN      SOA     ns1.acme8.lcl. root.acme8.lcl. (