VBS UCASE 函数对日语有什么作用?

What is VBS UCASE function doing to Japanese?

为了避免在ASP经典站点比较字符串时出现大小写冲突,一些继承代码首先将所有字符串转换为UCASE()。这似乎适用于各种语言……除了日语。这是日文字符串的一个简单示例。我提供了 UrlEncoded 值,以明确幕后变化有多大:

Server.UrlEncode("戦艦帝国") = %E6%88%A6%E8%89%A6%E5%B8%9D%E5%9B%BD 
UCASE("戦艦帝国") = ƈ�ȉ�Ÿ�ś�
Server.UrlEncode(UCASE("戦艦帝国")) = %C6%88%A6%C8%89%A6%C5%B8%9D%C5%9B%BD

那么 UCASE 是否对这个日文字符串做了任何明智的事情?还是它的行为有问题、未定义或已知与日语不兼容?

(LCASE 单独保留示例字符串。但现在我对将所有比较切换到 LCASE 持谨慎态度,因为我不知道它是否会混淆其他非西方语言 do 与 UCASE 合作....)


Only lowercase letters are converted to uppercase; all uppercase letters and non-letter characters remain unchanged.


Most Western languages (particularly those with writing systems based on the Latin, Cyrillic, Greek, Coptic, and Armenian alphabets) use letter cases in their written form as an aid to clarity. Scripts using two separate cases are also called bicameral scripts. Many other writing systems make no distinction between majuscules and minuscules – a system called unicameral script or unicase.

"lowercase or uppercase letters"不适用于中日韩语言,因此UCase()的输出应该保持不变。