如何使用 CSS3 为 SVG 的特定部分制作动画?
How do I animate a certain part of an SVG with CSS3?
我不太熟悉 HTML 中嵌入的动画 SVG,但这是我尝试做的事情。
我的网站上有一张 SVG 图片,如下所示:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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47.6,123.4 47.6,119.2 47.6,115.1 47.6,113 49.3,115.4 52.5,117.1 59.8,117.2 59.7,109.9 58.1,106.7 55.6,104.9 57.7,104.9
61.8,104.9 61.8,100.6 37.5,89.8 37.5,141.2 37.5,166.6 61.8,175.4 61.8,133.5 "/>
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74.4,115.4 76.1,113 76.1,115.1 76.1,119.2 76.1,123.4 76.1,125.5 74.4,123 71.2,121.4 63.9,121.3 64,128.6 65.7,131.8
68.1,133.5 66,133.5 61.9,133.5 61.8,133.5 61.8,175.4 86.2,166.6 86.2,141.2 86.2,89.8 "/>
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47.6,119.2 47.6,123.4 47.6,125.5 49.3,123 52.5,121.4 59.8,121.3 59.7,128.6 58.1,131.8 55.6,133.5 57.7,133.5 61.8,133.5
61.8,104.9 57.7,104.9 "/>
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76.1,123.4 76.1,119.2 76.1,115.1 76.1,113 74.4,115.4 71.2,117.1 63.9,117.2 64,109.9 65.7,106.7 68.1,104.9 66,104.9
61.9,104.9 61.8,104.9 61.8,133.5 "/>
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69.1,87.9 70.2,83.1 70.2,74.8 84.5,80.5 "/>
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58.3,89.8 60.9,88.6 61.8,84.1 61.8,43.8 "/>
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74.4,48.2 74.4,43.7 "/>
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11.2,174.4 25.3,203.7 61.6,214.9 61.6,155.8 "/>
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11.2,178.6 25.3,207.9 61.6,219.1 61.6,159.9 "/>
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61.6,159.9 61.6,219.1 98,207.9 112.1,178.6 106,159.9 "/>
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28.4,192.4 37.7,211.7 61.6,219.1 61.6,180.1 "/>
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61.6,219.1 85.6,211.7 94.8,192.4 90.8,180.1 "/>
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我尝试使用 animate.css 为 'g' 括号内的某些部分设置动画。所以我会把它们包裹在...
<section class="wow animated fadeInLeft">
但是它没有用,所以很明显我做的完全错了。我希望 .svg 的某个部分开始脉动(因此无限放大和缩小)。以下部分...
<polygon class="st20" points="50,141.8 53.2,131.6 37.7,138.8 45.4,155.8 37.3,163.5 30.8,159 29.2,145.6 0,144.3 17.3,155.8
11.2,174.4 25.3,203.7 61.6,214.9 61.6,155.8 "/>
<polygon class="st21" points="123.3,144.3 94.1,145.6 92.5,159 85.9,163.5 77.8,155.8 85.6,138.8 70.1,131.6 73.2,141.8
61.6,155.8 61.6,214.9 98,203.7 112.1,174.4 106,155.8 "/>
<polygon class="st22" points="50,146 53.2,135.8 37.7,142.9 45.4,159.9 37.3,167.6 30.8,163.2 29.2,149.8 0,148.4 17.3,159.9
11.2,178.6 25.3,207.9 61.6,219.1 61.6,159.9 "/>
<polygon class="st23" points="123.3,148.4 94.1,149.8 92.5,163.2 85.9,167.6 77.8,159.9 85.6,142.9 70.1,135.8 73.2,146
61.6,159.9 61.6,219.1 98,207.9 112.1,178.6 106,159.9 "/>
<polygon class="st9" points="54,171 56.1,164.3 45.9,169 51,180.1 45.7,185.2 41.4,182.3 40.3,173.5 21.1,172.6 32.5,180.1
28.4,192.4 37.7,211.7 61.6,219.1 61.6,180.1 "/>
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61.6,219.1 85.6,211.7 94.8,192.4 90.8,180.1 "/>
我可以执行什么代码来使 svg 组的那部分脉冲进出。感谢您的帮助。
您根本不需要添加任何包装元素。只需将 animate.css 特定的 类 添加到包装器 g
您需要做的另一件事是为动画 g
元素设置 transform-origin
。我根据 g
.animated {
transform-origin: 61.6px 219.1px;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
<link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/animate.css/3.5.2/animate.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
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74.4,115.4 76.1,113 76.1,115.1 76.1,119.2 76.1,123.4 76.1,125.5 74.4,123 71.2,121.4 63.9,121.3 64,128.6 65.7,131.8
68.1,133.5 66,133.5 61.9,133.5 61.8,133.5 61.8,175.4 86.2,166.6 86.2,141.2 86.2,89.8 " />
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61.8,104.9 57.7,104.9 " />
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76.1,123.4 76.1,119.2 76.1,115.1 76.1,113 74.4,115.4 71.2,117.1 63.9,117.2 64,109.9 65.7,106.7 68.1,104.9 66,104.9
61.9,104.9 61.8,104.9 61.8,133.5 " />
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69.1,87.9 70.2,83.1 70.2,74.8 84.5,80.5 " />
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58.3,89.8 60.9,88.6 61.8,84.1 61.8,43.8 " />
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74.4,48.2 74.4,43.7 " />
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61.6,155.8 61.6,214.9 98,203.7 112.1,174.4 106,155.8 " />
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11.2,178.6 25.3,207.9 61.6,219.1 61.6,159.9 " />
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61.6,159.9 61.6,219.1 98,207.9 112.1,178.6 106,159.9 " />
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28.4,192.4 37.7,211.7 61.6,219.1 61.6,180.1 " />
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我不太熟悉 HTML 中嵌入的动画 SVG,但这是我尝试做的事情。
我的网站上有一张 SVG 图片,如下所示:
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47.6,123.4 47.6,119.2 47.6,115.1 47.6,113 49.3,115.4 52.5,117.1 59.8,117.2 59.7,109.9 58.1,106.7 55.6,104.9 57.7,104.9
61.8,104.9 61.8,100.6 37.5,89.8 37.5,141.2 37.5,166.6 61.8,175.4 61.8,133.5 "/>
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74.4,115.4 76.1,113 76.1,115.1 76.1,119.2 76.1,123.4 76.1,125.5 74.4,123 71.2,121.4 63.9,121.3 64,128.6 65.7,131.8
68.1,133.5 66,133.5 61.9,133.5 61.8,133.5 61.8,175.4 86.2,166.6 86.2,141.2 86.2,89.8 "/>
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47.6,119.2 47.6,123.4 47.6,125.5 49.3,123 52.5,121.4 59.8,121.3 59.7,128.6 58.1,131.8 55.6,133.5 57.7,133.5 61.8,133.5
61.8,104.9 57.7,104.9 "/>
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我尝试使用 animate.css 为 'g' 括号内的某些部分设置动画。所以我会把它们包裹在...
<section class="wow animated fadeInLeft">
但是它没有用,所以很明显我做的完全错了。我希望 .svg 的某个部分开始脉动(因此无限放大和缩小)。以下部分...
<polygon class="st20" points="50,141.8 53.2,131.6 37.7,138.8 45.4,155.8 37.3,163.5 30.8,159 29.2,145.6 0,144.3 17.3,155.8
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我可以执行什么代码来使 svg 组的那部分脉冲进出。感谢您的帮助。
您根本不需要添加任何包装元素。只需将 animate.css 特定的 类 添加到包装器 g
您需要做的另一件事是为动画 g
元素设置 transform-origin
。我根据 g
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transform-origin: 61.6px 219.1px;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
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