Android - Facebook 分析 - 推送活动设置验证不起作用

Android - Facebook Analytics - Push campaign setup verification not working

我在我们的 Android 应用程序中实施了 FB 推送活动。但是我似乎无法 运行 "Push campaign setup verification".


  1. "YOUR DEVICE TOKEN" 是从哪里来的?我们是什么设备 在这种情况下谈论。
  2. 状态是:

The sender account used to send a message couldn't be authenticated. This is probably due to an invalid project number being sent as the key, or the key could be valid but with the GCM service disabled, or our servers have not been whitelisted in the server key IPs.

According to this article

问题是"GCM sender ID is invalid"。我验证了我们的 GCM,它是正确的。我对实际错误或如何正确解决问题感到很困惑。

您需要在 Facebook 设置中提供 GCM server key 推送通知

Starting from Sept. 2016 new server key can only be created in the Firebase Console using the Cloud Messaging tab of the Settings panel. Existing projects that need to create a new server key can be imported in the Firebase console without affecting their existing configuration.

设备令牌是您设备的注册令牌,当您在 FCM/GCM 集成后首次安装您的应用程序时生成。