将 php 版本 4 中的 mysql 查询导出到 csv

exporting a mysql query in php version 4 to a csv

编辑我的原文 post。我找到答案了!!!!在帮助下:)



$f = fopen('incident_csv\test.csv', 'w');

$query = "
select column1, column2, column3
from table
where columns = values

$var1 = mysql_query($query, $database connection variable);

/* From Monkey Zeus */

$csv_lines = array();

// Loop your records from the DB
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($var1)){

$columns = array();

// Loop each column for the row
foreach($row as $k=>$v){
// Surround column item in double-quotes and escape double-quotes with double-double-quotes
$columns[] = '"'.str_replace('"', '""', $v).'"';

// Join on a comma
$csv_lines[] = implode(',', $columns);

// Create full CSV file by joining on a newline
$csv_file_string = implode("\n", $csv_lines);

/* From Monkey Zeus */  

fwrite($f, $csv_file_string);


您可以简单地编写一个 arrayToCsv 函数:

function arrayToCsv($array) {
    $string = array();

    foreach ($array as $field) {
        $string[] = implode(';', $field);

    return implode("\n", $string);

$a = array(
    array('First Field of First Line', 'Second Field of First Line'),
    array('First Field of Second Line', 'Second Field of Second Line')
fwrite($f, arrayToCsv($a));

但是,请记住将您的 $f 设置为 $f = fopen('file location', 'w');



$csv_lines = array();

// Loop your records from the DB
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($var1)){

    $columns = array();

    // Loop each column for the row
    foreach($row as $k=>$v){
        // Surround column item in double-quotes and escape double-quotes with double-double-quotes
        $columns[] = '"'.str_replace('"', '""', $v).'"';

    // Join on a comma
    $csv_lines[] = implode(',', $columns);

    // Write to the file right away. You are using PHP4 so I imagine system memory is not plentiful
    // If you use this then there is no need for the "$csv_lines[] =" from above
    // nor the $csv_file_string after the while loop
    // fwrite($f, implode(',', $columns)."\n");

// fclose($f); // If you choose to write to the file during the while loop then close the file handle when you are finished

// Create full CSV file by joining on a newline
$csv_file_string = implode("\n", $csv_lines);