为什么尝试自动调整 sheet 的宽度或 sheet 上的单个列会失败?

Why does attempting to autofit the width of a sheet, or a single column on that sheet, fail?

我有一列的内容被截断了,我想避免必须双击右侧的列间距才能查看数据。首先,我尝试自动调整整个 shebang:

private void PopulatePivotTableDataSheet()
    if (null == _produceUsagePivotDataList) return;
    foreach (ProduceUsagePivotData pupd in _produceUsagePivotDataList)                
        AddPivotData(pupd.ItemCode, pupd.ItemDescription, pupd.Unit, pupd.MonthYear, pupd.Quantity,
            pupd.TotalPrice, pupd.IsContractItem);

...但最后一行失败 "AutoFit method of Range class failed"


private void AddPivotData(String ItemCode, String ItemDescription, String Unit, String MonthYear, int Quantity, Decimal TotalPrice, Boolean IsContractItem)
    var itemCodeCell = _xlPivotDataSheet.Cells[_lastRowAddedPivotTableData + 1, 1];
    itemCodeCell.Value2 = ItemCode;

    var itemDescriptionCell = _xlPivotDataSheet.Cells[_lastRowAddedPivotTableData + 1, 2];
    itemDescriptionCell.Value2 = ItemDescription;
    . . .

...最后一行失败,“'System.__ComObject' 不包含 'AutoFitWidth'”的定义

Sam Hill o' beans 是怎么回事? Autofitting 应该很容易实现,不是吗?

