PriorityQueue A* 算法上的 NullPointerException

NullPointerException on PriorityQueue A* algorithm

我尝试实现 A* 算法。我不知道为什么,但我收到此错误:


我在创建节点时写了启发式的值。以及 edged 的​​值,当一条边被创建时。


package com.astar.algorithm;

import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;

public class AStar {

        public static void main(String[] args){

                Node s = new Node("S", 12);
                Node a = new Node("A", 5);
                Node b = new Node("B", 5);
                Node c = new Node("C", 5);
                Node d = new Node("D", 2);
                Node e = new Node("E", 2);
                Node f = new Node("F", 1);
                Node h = new Node("H", 1);
                Node g = new Node("G", 0);

                s.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
                        new Edge(b, 8),
                        new Edge(a, 10)

                b.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
                        new Edge(d, 8),
                        new Edge(g, 16)

                d.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
                        new Edge(g, 3),
                        new Edge(h, 1)

                h.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
                        new Edge(f, 1)

                a.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
                        new Edge(g, 10),
                        new Edge(c, 2)

                c.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
                        new Edge(e, 3)

                e.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
                        new Edge(g, 2)

                AstarSearch(s, g);

                List<Node> path = printPath(g);

                        System.out.println("Path: " + path);


        public static List<Node> printPath(Node target){
                List<Node> path = new ArrayList<Node>();

        for(Node node = target; node!=null; node = node.parent){


        return path;

        public static void AstarSearch(Node source, Node goal){

                Set<Node> explored = new HashSet<Node>();

                PriorityQueue<Node> queue = new PriorityQueue<Node>(8, new Comparator<Node>(){
                                 //override compare method
                 public int compare(Node i, Node j){
                    if(i.f_scores > j.f_scores){
                        return 1;

                    else if (i.f_scores < j.f_scores){
                        return -1;

                        return 0;


                //cost from start
                source.g_scores = 0;


                boolean found = false;


                        //the node in having the lowest f_score value
                        Node current = queue.poll();


                        //goal found
                                found = true;

                        //check every child of current node
                        for(Edge o : current.adjacencies){
                                Node child =;
                                double cost = o.cost;
                                double temp_g_scores = current.g_scores + cost;
                                double temp_f_scores = temp_g_scores + child.h_scores;

                                /*if child node has been evaluated and 
                                the newer f_score is higher, skip*/

                                if((explored.contains(child)) && (temp_f_scores >= child.f_scores)) {

                                /*else if child node is not in queue or 
                                newer f_score is lower*/

                                else if((!queue.contains(child)) || (temp_f_scores < child.f_scores)){

                                        child.parent = current;
                                        child.g_scores = temp_g_scores;
                                        child.f_scores = temp_f_scores;








class Node{

        public final String value;
        public double g_scores;
        public final double h_scores;
        public double f_scores = 0;
        public Edge[] adjacencies;
        public Node parent;

        public Node(String val, double hVal){
                value = val;
                h_scores = hVal;

        public String toString(){
                return value;


class Edge{
        public final double cost;
        public final Node target;

        public Edge(Node targetNode, double costVal){
                target = targetNode;
                cost = costVal;

您没有为Node fNode g初始化任何adjacencies,而是将它们设置为某些边中的目标节点。所以当你遍历 for(Edge o : current.adjacencies) 并设置你的 Node child = 时,这个 child 实际上可以是 Node fNode b 因为你没有初始化 adjacencies 对于那些你在 current.adjacencies 获得 NPE 的人,因为 f/g.adjacencies == null.

因此,为了防止 NPE,您还应该首先使用空 Edge 数组初始化 fg 的邻接关系。

所以f/g.adjacencies = new Edge[0];至少应该解决NPE。

您的程序在将节点添加到队列但未将邻接设置为任何值时在节点 G 处失败。



快速解决方法是更改​​节点 class 并使用空数组初始化邻接关系,如下所示:

public Edge[] adjacencies = new Edge[]{};

所以节点 class 看起来像:

class Node{
        public final String value;
        public double g_scores;
        public final double h_scores;
        public double f_scores = 0;
        public Edge[] adjacencies = new Edge[]{};
        public Node parent;

        public Node(String val, double hVal){
                value = val;
                h_scores = hVal;

        public String toString(){
                return value;

更好的解决方案是用 ArrayList 替换数组。