interactive/reactive 经度和纬度点的带有 ggmap 的 R ggiraph - 比例或轴问题?
R ggiraph with ggmap for interactive/reactive longitude and latitude points - scale or axis issue?
新的 ggiraph 包非常适合让 ggplot2 响应用户的鼠标,没问题。
但是 我无法使用 ggmap() 为 interactive/reactive 经度和纬度点 .
交互性很好,当鼠标悬停在一个点上时我可以得到工具提示响应,但是当与 ggmap() 一起使用时,比例或轴似乎有问题。
先安装需要的包,然后补小示例数据集,然后下载需要的图 使用 get_map() 函数:
#Install required_packages:
required_packages <- c("ggmap", "ggplot2", "ggiraph")
new.packages <- required_packages[!(required_packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages)
#Load required_packages:
lapply(required_packages, require, character.only = TRUE)
#Make small example data set:
lat<-c(-37.8299258, -37.8019,-37.857,-37.852,-37.823,-37.84,-37.864,-37.8604,-37.841,-37.854)
`Change 2005-2015 (%)`<-c(112, 120, 136, 127, 122, 115, 110, 146, 120, 128)
df<-data.frame(suburb, lon, lat, `Change 2005-2015 (%)`)
#Download map from google maps
SOUTH_YARRA <- get_map(location = 'South Yarra, Australia', zoom = 13, maptype="terrain")
ggmap(SOUTH_YARRA) +
geom_point(data = df,
aes(x =lon, y= lat, size=`Change 2005-2015 (%)`, colour = `Change 2005-2015 (%)`),
alpha=0.75) +
scale_colour_gradientn(colours=rainbow(5)) +
scale_radius (range = c(6, 12), trans = "identity", guide = "legend") +
ggtitle("Total change in Median \n House Price (%) from 2005-2015 \n")
here is the static map produced by the code above - no problem
但是,当我使用 ggiraph 的 geom_point_interactive() 使地图中的点对用户的鼠标悬停做出反应时,比例或轴出现问题:
#Try add reactivity using ggiraph's geom_point_interactive() instead of geom_point()
interactive_map<-ggmap(SOUTH_YARRA) +
geom_point_interactive(data = df,
aes(x =lon, y= lat, size=`Change 2005-2015 (%)`, colour = `Change 2005-2015 (%)`, tooltip=suburb, data_id = suburb),
alpha=0.75) +
scale_colour_gradientn(colours=rainbow(5)) +
scale_radius (range = c(6, 12), trans = "identity", guide = "legend") +
ggtitle("Total change in Median Melbourne \n House Price (%) from 2005-2015 \n")
ggiraph(code = {print(interactive_map)}, zoom_max = 5,
tooltip_offx = 20, tooltip_offy = -10,
hover_css = "fill:black;",
tooltip_opacity = 0.7)
here is a still image of my scale/axis problem produced by the code above. Note the the code above makes the tooltip reactivity works fine for mouse hover, it's just this scale problem that I need to resolve
我试过将 maprange、extent 和 base_layer 参数更改为 ggmap() 函数,例如:
ggmap(SOUTH_YARRA, maprange=TRUE, extent = "panel", base_layer = ggplot(data = df, aes(x =lon, y= lat)))
然而这并没有帮助。 ggiraph 是一个很棒的包恕我直言,因为它是新的,所以在 Whosebug 等方面还没有太多关于它的信息。任何帮助将不胜感激!
这是 ggiraph 包中的错误,包维护者刚刚修复了它,请参阅此处的 github 错误报告了解更多详细信息:
新的 ggiraph 包非常适合让 ggplot2 响应用户的鼠标,没问题。
但是 我无法使用 ggmap() 为 interactive/reactive 经度和纬度点 .
正常工作交互性很好,当鼠标悬停在一个点上时我可以得到工具提示响应,但是当与 ggmap() 一起使用时,比例或轴似乎有问题。
先安装需要的包,然后补小示例数据集,然后下载需要的图 使用 get_map() 函数:
#Install required_packages:
required_packages <- c("ggmap", "ggplot2", "ggiraph")
new.packages <- required_packages[!(required_packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages)
#Load required_packages:
lapply(required_packages, require, character.only = TRUE)
#Make small example data set:
lat<-c(-37.8299258, -37.8019,-37.857,-37.852,-37.823,-37.84,-37.864,-37.8604,-37.841,-37.854)
`Change 2005-2015 (%)`<-c(112, 120, 136, 127, 122, 115, 110, 146, 120, 128)
df<-data.frame(suburb, lon, lat, `Change 2005-2015 (%)`)
#Download map from google maps
SOUTH_YARRA <- get_map(location = 'South Yarra, Australia', zoom = 13, maptype="terrain")
ggmap(SOUTH_YARRA) +
geom_point(data = df,
aes(x =lon, y= lat, size=`Change 2005-2015 (%)`, colour = `Change 2005-2015 (%)`),
alpha=0.75) +
scale_colour_gradientn(colours=rainbow(5)) +
scale_radius (range = c(6, 12), trans = "identity", guide = "legend") +
ggtitle("Total change in Median \n House Price (%) from 2005-2015 \n")
here is the static map produced by the code above - no problem
但是,当我使用 ggiraph 的 geom_point_interactive() 使地图中的点对用户的鼠标悬停做出反应时,比例或轴出现问题:
#Try add reactivity using ggiraph's geom_point_interactive() instead of geom_point()
interactive_map<-ggmap(SOUTH_YARRA) +
geom_point_interactive(data = df,
aes(x =lon, y= lat, size=`Change 2005-2015 (%)`, colour = `Change 2005-2015 (%)`, tooltip=suburb, data_id = suburb),
alpha=0.75) +
scale_colour_gradientn(colours=rainbow(5)) +
scale_radius (range = c(6, 12), trans = "identity", guide = "legend") +
ggtitle("Total change in Median Melbourne \n House Price (%) from 2005-2015 \n")
ggiraph(code = {print(interactive_map)}, zoom_max = 5,
tooltip_offx = 20, tooltip_offy = -10,
hover_css = "fill:black;",
tooltip_opacity = 0.7)
here is a still image of my scale/axis problem produced by the code above. Note the the code above makes the tooltip reactivity works fine for mouse hover, it's just this scale problem that I need to resolve
我试过将 maprange、extent 和 base_layer 参数更改为 ggmap() 函数,例如:
ggmap(SOUTH_YARRA, maprange=TRUE, extent = "panel", base_layer = ggplot(data = df, aes(x =lon, y= lat)))
然而这并没有帮助。 ggiraph 是一个很棒的包恕我直言,因为它是新的,所以在 Whosebug 等方面还没有太多关于它的信息。任何帮助将不胜感激!
这是 ggiraph 包中的错误,包维护者刚刚修复了它,请参阅此处的 github 错误报告了解更多详细信息: