运行 服务器上 pm2 或类似软件的噩梦

Run nightmare by pm2 or something like that on the server

如何通过 pm2 或服务器上的类似工具 运行 nightmarejs,因为噩梦使用电子,电子需要图形,现在我正在使用 xvfb-run npm start,但是这个 sol ° 需要我通过 ssh 与服务器保持连接,你有什么建议吗?

使用"screen"。 "Screen is a console application that allows you to use multiple terminal sessions within one window. The program operates within a shell session and acts as a container and manager for other terminal sessions, similar to how a window manager manages windows."(参考:info

apt-get install screen

# Create a session called "my_app"
screen -S my_app

# Now you are inside another shell
xvfb-run npm start

# After that, you can detach the screen or close the connection


screen -r my_app


screen -ls

关于 screen 命令的更多选项和信息:



  1. 用next创建一个pm2(process.json)的执行文件。 替换为您的具体案例。
  "apps" : [{
    "name"        : "<your_app_name>",
    "script"      : "<your_main.js>",
    "env": {
      "DISPLAY": ":99"
      "name"        : "Xvfb",
      "interpreter" : "none",
      "script"      : "Xvfb",
      "args"        : ":99"
  1. 将此文件移动到您的 dist 文件夹或存储主要文件的位置。
  2. 执行pm2 start process.json.

