Ember CLI 导入 ES6 文件到 ember-cli-builds.js

Ember CLI import ES6 file to ember-cli-builds.js

所以 ember-cli-builds.js 文件明确指出

// If the library that you are including contains AMD or ES6
// modules that you would like to import into your application
// please specify an object with the list of modules as keys
// along with the exports of each module as its value.

我正在以这种方式导入常规 javascript 文件


但是 "specify an object with the list of modules as keys along with the exports of each module as it's value" 的正确方法是什么?

在指南的"AMD Javascript modules"标题处,是这样描述的:

Provide the asset path as the first argument, and the list of modules and exports as the second.

app.import('bower_components/ic-ajax/dist/named-amd/main.js', {
  exports: {
    'ic-ajax': [

You can now import them in your app. (e.g. import { raw as icAjaxRaw } from 'ic-ajax';)

引用From Guide

选择器答案适用于较早的 ember、pre ember-auto-import (webpack) 和 pre Ember Octane。

在现代 ember 中,在 npm install 安装包后,您将能够直接从该包导入。


npm install qs


import qs from 'qs';

相关,建议避免将文件放在你要与模块系统集成的vendor文件夹中。供应商存在于包之外,所以如果你有一个独立的模块,你可以将它放在你的 app 文件夹中,也许在一些描述性文件夹下: app/external-modules/global.js,允许您从中导入:

import * as globalStuff from '<my-app>/external-modules/global';