是否有标准 Python class 对浮点范围进行布尔运算?

Is there standard Python class to do boolean operations on float ranges?

我需要收集关于浮点变量近似值的多条信息。信息看起来像“39 < x < 41”或 "x < 14.4"。此外,该变量有其最终的最小值和最大值。

我想要一个 class 以浮点间隔的形式包含此类信息。我还想在这样的时间间隔上执行布尔运算,这样它看起来像:

float_interval(1,5) and float_interval(2,6) == float_interval(2,5)
float_interval(1,2) and float_interval(3,4) == None
float_interval(1,2) or float_interval(3,4) == i_do_not_know_yet




import functools
import heapq
import itertools

def iter_intervals(tag, interval_set):
    for start, end in interval_set:
        yield start, tag, True
        yield end, tag, False

def apply_boolean_function(f, *interval_sets):
    states = [False] * len(interval_sets)
    result_state = False
    result = []
    for boundary, index, new_state in heapq.merge(*itertools.starmap(
            iter_intervals, enumerate(interval_sets))):
        states[index] = new_state
        new_result_state = f(states)
        if new_result_state != result_state:
            result_state = new_result_state
            if new_result_state and result and result[-1] == boundary:
    return zip(*[iter(result)] * 2)

union = functools.partial(apply_boolean_function, any)
intersection = functools.partial(apply_boolean_function, all)
complement = functools.partial(apply_boolean_function,
                               lambda states: not states[0] and states[1])

示例(Python 2):

>>> union([(2, 4), (6, 8)], [(5, 7)])
[(2, 4), (5, 8)]
>>> intersection([(1, 5)], [(2, 6)])
[(2, 5)]

在 Python 3 中,return 值将是惰性 zip() 对象而不是列表。您可以将对 list() 的调用添加到 apply_boolean_function() 中的 return 语句以获取列表。

非常强大的 sympy 包有一个 Interval class 内置。示例代码:

import sympy
I1 = sympy.Interval(1, 5)
I2 = sympy.Interval(2, 6)
I3 = I1 & I2

详情见sympy interval documentation