如何在 INSendPaymentIntent 中选择 phone 号码

How can I choose phone number in INSendPaymentIntent

在我的应用程序中,我需要使用用户的 phone 号码(而不是用户的联系人姓名)发送付款。因此,如果联系人中的用户有 2 个 phone 号码,则用户必须选择其中一个号码(如 phone 呼叫意图)。

在函数 func resolvePayee(forSendPayment intent: INSendPaymentIntent, with completion: @escaping (INPersonResolutionResult) -> Void) 中,我只看到用户的姓名,但没有 phone 号码。甚至 intent.payee.personHandle always == nil

我使用了这个解决方法(当我显示他们时,只需在联系人姓名中添加数字)。以下是 resolvePayee 函数的完整代码:

func resolvePayee(forSendPayment intent: INSendPaymentIntent, with completion: @escaping (INPersonResolutionResult) -> Void) {

        print("start resolving payee")

        if let payee = intent.payee, payee.displayName.length > 0 {

            // search proper phone number if we chose between these numbers before
            var foundPhoneNumberInBuferNumbers: String? = nil
            if let arrayOfSavedPhones = PaymentIntentHandler.resolvePayeeHelp_offeredPhoneNumbersFor1Contact {
                for phone in arrayOfSavedPhones {
                    if payee.displayName.hasSuffix(phone) {
                        foundPhoneNumberInBuferNumbers = phone
                if foundPhoneNumberInBuferNumbers == nil { // if we didn't manage to find this number that means that we have a new request for a new contact, so we don't need to remember number in buffer anymore
                    print("can't find phone number for \(payee.displayName), so we remove all buffer numbers = \(PaymentIntentHandler.resolvePayeeHelp_offeredPhoneNumbersFor1Contact)")
                    PaymentIntentHandler.resolvePayeeHelp_offeredPhoneNumbersFor1Contact = nil

            let searchName = foundPhoneNumberInBuferNumbers != nil ? payee.displayName.replacingOccurrences(of: " " + foundPhoneNumberInBuferNumbers!, with: "") : payee.displayName

            Singleton.sharedInstance.contactsService_getPhoneContacts(contactIdentifiresToFetch: nil, matchingName: searchName, showAlert: false, completionBlock: { (havePermission, customContactsMatchingName) in
                if !havePermission { // user didn't grant permissions
                    print("unsupported because don't have permissions")

                switch customContactsMatchingName.count {
                case 2 ... Int.max: // user has to choose
                    let arrayOfPersons = customContactsMatchingName.map({ (phoneBookContact) -> INPerson in
                        return phoneBookContact.inSiriPerson()
                    print("disambiguation between several contacts")
                    completion(INPersonResolutionResult.disambiguation(with: arrayOfPersons))
                case 1:
                    let contactCustom = customContactsMatchingName[0]
                    switch contactCustom.phoneNumbers.count {
                    case 0:
                        print("unsupported because don't have phone numbers")
                    case 1:
                        completion(INPersonResolutionResult.success(with: contactCustom.inSiriPerson()))
                    case 2 ... Int.max:

                        print("now we have a uniq contact, but several phone numbers")

                        if foundPhoneNumberInBuferNumbers == nil { // we need user to choose between several phone numbers

                            var arrayOfStringNumbers = [String]()
                            var arrayOfPersonsToChoose = [INPerson]()
                            for phoneNumber in contactCustom.phoneNumbers {
                                let numberOnlyDigits = Singleton.sharedInstance.phone_getPhoneOnlyDigits(phoneNumber.number)
                                let formattedNumber = Singleton.sharedInstance.phone_getFormattedPhone("+" + numberOnlyDigits, allowLetters: false)
                                let personHandler = INPersonHandle(value: formattedNumber, type: .phoneNumber)
                                let person = INPerson(personHandle: personHandler, nameComponents: nil, displayName: payee.displayName + " " + formattedNumber, image: nil, contactIdentifier: contactCustom.id, customIdentifier: formattedNumber)

                            PaymentIntentHandler.resolvePayeeHelp_offeredPhoneNumbersFor1Contact = arrayOfStringNumbers

                            print("disambiguation in one contact between several phones")
                            completion(INPersonResolutionResult.disambiguation(with: arrayOfPersonsToChoose))
                        else {

                            // found proper phone number
                            print("success after choosing bufer number")
                            let personHandle = INPersonHandle(value: foundPhoneNumberInBuferNumbers!, type: .phoneNumber)
                            let displayName = payee.displayName.replacingOccurrences(of: " " +  foundPhoneNumberInBuferNumbers!, with: "")
                            completion(INPersonResolutionResult.success(with: INPerson(personHandle: personHandle, nameComponents: nil, displayName: displayName, image: nil, contactIdentifier: nil, customIdentifier: personHandle.value)))

                        print("unsupported: can't happen")
                case 0:
                    print("unsupported because can't find this contact in phonebook = \(searchName), contacts in buffer = \(PaymentIntentHandler.resolvePayeeHelp_offeredPhoneNumbersFor1Contact)")
                    print("unsupported: can't happen")
        else {
            PaymentIntentHandler.resolvePayeeHelp_offeredPhoneNumbersFor1Contact = nil