HListElim 可以和其他函数组合吗?
Can HListElim be composed with another function?
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, TypeOperators #-}
import Data.HList
import Data.Singletons
import Data.Singletons.Prelude.List
type family HListElim (ts :: [*]) (a :: *) :: * where
HListElim '[] a = a
HListElim (t ': ts) a = t -> HListElim ts a
hListUncurry :: HListElim ts a -> HList ts -> a
hListUncurry f HNil = f
hListUncurry f (HCons x xs) = hListUncurry (f x) xs
hListCurryExpl :: Sing ts -> (HList ts -> a) -> HListElim ts a
hListCurryExpl SNil f = f HNil
hListCurryExpl (SCons _ r) f = \x -> hListCurryExpl r (f . HCons x)
hListCurry :: SingI ts => (HList ts -> a) -> HListElim ts a
hListCurry = hListCurryExpl sing
(改编自 https://gist.github.com/timjb/516f04808f0c4aa90c26 and reroute)
hListCompose :: (a -> b) -> HListElim as a -> HListElim as b
hListCompose f g = hListCurry (fmap f (hListUncurry g))
但是 GHC 告诉我
Could not deduce (HListElim ts0 b ~ HListElim ts b)
from the context (HasRep ts)
bound by the inferred type for ‘hListCompose’:
HasRep ts => (a -> b) -> HListElim ts a -> HListElim ts b
at src/Webcrank/Wai/T.hs:64:1-55
NB: ‘HListElim’ is a type function, and may not be injective
The type variable ‘ts0’ is ambiguous
Expected type: (a -> b) -> HListElim ts a -> HListElim ts b
Actual type: (a -> b) -> HListElim ts0 a -> HListElim ts0 b
When checking that ‘hListCompose’
has the inferred type ‘forall (ts :: [*]) a b.
SingI ts =>
(a -> b) -> HListElim ts a -> HListElim ts b’
Probable cause: the inferred type is ambiguous
GHC 在这种情况下是正确的:基本问题是因为类型族不需要是单射的,所以 HListElim as a
没有指定 as
是什么。 (要了解原因,请考虑 HListElim '[] (a -> b) ~ HListElim '[a] b
如果您愿意向 hListCompose
添加一个额外的 Sing
leton 参数以明确给出 HList
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
hListCompose :: forall a b as. Sing as -> (a -> b) -> HListElim as a -> HListElim as b
hListCompose s f = go s
go :: forall ts. Sing ts -> HListElim ts a -> HListElim ts b
go SNil = f
go (SCons _ ts) = \g x -> go ts (g x)
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, TypeOperators #-}
import Data.HList
import Data.Singletons
import Data.Singletons.Prelude.List
type family HListElim (ts :: [*]) (a :: *) :: * where
HListElim '[] a = a
HListElim (t ': ts) a = t -> HListElim ts a
hListUncurry :: HListElim ts a -> HList ts -> a
hListUncurry f HNil = f
hListUncurry f (HCons x xs) = hListUncurry (f x) xs
hListCurryExpl :: Sing ts -> (HList ts -> a) -> HListElim ts a
hListCurryExpl SNil f = f HNil
hListCurryExpl (SCons _ r) f = \x -> hListCurryExpl r (f . HCons x)
hListCurry :: SingI ts => (HList ts -> a) -> HListElim ts a
hListCurry = hListCurryExpl sing
(改编自 https://gist.github.com/timjb/516f04808f0c4aa90c26 and reroute)
hListCompose :: (a -> b) -> HListElim as a -> HListElim as b
hListCompose f g = hListCurry (fmap f (hListUncurry g))
但是 GHC 告诉我
Could not deduce (HListElim ts0 b ~ HListElim ts b)
from the context (HasRep ts)
bound by the inferred type for ‘hListCompose’:
HasRep ts => (a -> b) -> HListElim ts a -> HListElim ts b
at src/Webcrank/Wai/T.hs:64:1-55
NB: ‘HListElim’ is a type function, and may not be injective
The type variable ‘ts0’ is ambiguous
Expected type: (a -> b) -> HListElim ts a -> HListElim ts b
Actual type: (a -> b) -> HListElim ts0 a -> HListElim ts0 b
When checking that ‘hListCompose’
has the inferred type ‘forall (ts :: [*]) a b.
SingI ts =>
(a -> b) -> HListElim ts a -> HListElim ts b’
Probable cause: the inferred type is ambiguous
GHC 在这种情况下是正确的:基本问题是因为类型族不需要是单射的,所以 HListElim as a
没有指定 as
是什么。 (要了解原因,请考虑 HListElim '[] (a -> b) ~ HListElim '[a] b
如果您愿意向 hListCompose
添加一个额外的 Sing
leton 参数以明确给出 HList
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
hListCompose :: forall a b as. Sing as -> (a -> b) -> HListElim as a -> HListElim as b
hListCompose s f = go s
go :: forall ts. Sing ts -> HListElim ts a -> HListElim ts b
go SNil = f
go (SCons _ ts) = \g x -> go ts (g x)